Friday, December 22, 2017

Job: Photographer/Videographer at Smithsonian Institution Company

Location: JobParser.Models.Location

Category: Photography

Type: Other

Deadline: 11-Jan-18 00:00:00

Salary: N/A

Request for Expressions of Interest

My Armenia Program

FestivAr Photo and Video Documentation

My Armenia Program Background
My Armenia, a joint partnership between USAID, the Smithsonian Institution, and the people of Armenia, harnesses the power of research, documentation, and storytelling to strengthen cultural sustainability through community-based tourism development. As outlined by USAID|Armenia and the Smithsonian Institution, the primary goals of this 5-year program are to build cultural heritage tourism in Armenia so as to increase the number of tourist visits, increase spending and days stayed per tourist with an emphasis outside of the capital, and create new job opportunities for Armenians.

Guided by our mission for the "increase and diffusion of knowledge" and our values in long-term high quality cultural heritage work, the Smithsonian Institution (SI) and our partners will work towards these joint goals. SI will apply its long history for cultural heritage preservation and support to community economies to strengthen cultural heritage tourism in Armenia. In collaboration with USAID, SI has identified four major objectives for the project:

1. Objective 1: Strengthen Armenia's cultural heritage tourism offering
2. Objective 2: Increase awareness of Armenia as a cultural heritage tourism destination
3. Objective 3: Improve cultural tourism sector workforce skills
4. Objective 4: Coordinate GOAM, donor, resource partner, and stakeholder involvement

Overview of Assignment
My Armenia is seeking expressions of interest from photographers/videographers to create photo and video documentation of Armenian festivals who are members of FestivAr Association of Armenian Festivals (see Annex A for full list). Local festival organizers, FestivAr, and My Armenia will use the materials for a variety of purposes, including marketing and promotion.

All deliverables are subject to My Armenia review and approval:
• All un-edited photo files;
• All un-edited video footage;
• Festival photo stories –20 edited photo files with captions, submitted on a hard drive and organized into folders organized by region and artisan name;
• Final edited 2-minute video reel of each festival; and
• Final edited 4-minute master reel of Armenia's festivals.

Estimated Level of Effort and Travel
Estimated level of effort: 86 days -- 22 days for shooting, 54 days for editing (3 days for each set of photo/video), 10 days for planning and coordination.
Anticipated travel needs: 17 trips to regions throughout Armenia. Many can be accomplished in one day, others may require an overnight.

Period of Performance
February 1 – September 30, 2018

-Create photo documentation for 17 festivals (see Annex A excel file for a list of festivals). For each festival, produce 20 edited photo files showcasing the festival activities
-Create a 2-minute video reel of each festival featuring ambient sound and music, highlighting the landscape, people (both festival participants and visitors) and the various activities
-Create one master 4-minute reel, highlighting Armenia's festivals

-In their submission candidates must demonstrate that they have experience providing services of similar scope and size through at least 5 years of experience in photo and video production, including experience producing high quality content in rural areas of Armenia.


Job URL: - Photographer/Videographer @ Smithsonian Institution

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