Thursday, September 27, 2018

Job: Learning Coach at Tumo Center for Creative Technologies Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Science and Education

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 27-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM



Based on the established coaching model, the Learning Coach will work directly with Tumo students to:
- Support their learning process
- Assist them in the design of their personal learning plans
- Offer guidance toward the completion of learning activities
- Provide encouragement and motivation toward harnessing the potential of technologies and self-learning
- Assist in workshop and project coordination in various technology related areas
- Track student attendance and provide feedback regarding student development, take measures to engage and provide technical inspiration to reluctant students;
- Convey a positive and professional image to students
- Promote learning in a collaborative and energized mode
- Provide feedback to Tumo's content evaluators in the development of new learning activities and the fine-tuning of existing activities


- Excellent people skills and facility in working with teenagers
- Familiarity with and ability to learn technical concepts and tools relevant to at least one of the Tumo focus areas of animation, game development, web development and film-making
- Multifaceted aptitudes in technical areas such as graphic design or programming, and artistic skills such as drawing or writing
- Willingness to develop higher order skills such as creativity, analytical thinking and initiative taking, as well as organizational capabilities such as teamwork, communication and research skills
- Experience on the web and in the use of online resources and tools is a plus
- Excellent communication skills, including written communication, personal interaction, and public presentation in Armenian language; knowledge of English language is a plus


Job URL: - Learning Coach @ Tumo Center for Creative Technologies

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