Friday, May 5, 2017

Job: "Caring for Equality" Project Coordinator at World Vision Armenia Company

Location: 2/1 Romanos Melikian Street, Yerevan


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/19/2017 12:00:00 AM


The incumbent will be responsible for day-to-day Project coordination and will be directly involved in Project activities to ensure their compliance with the Project goal and donor requirements. He/ she will work closely with Area Programs' staff and communities for implementation of Project activities in target communities and ensure a high level of quality and effective performance.
"Caring for Equality" Project seeks to improve the environment in Armenia where girls and boys should be valued equally. The Project will be implemented in the country both at institutional level enabling an environment to promote policies combatting gender-based violence and prenatal sex selection and at community level aiming at changing the social norms. The Project will work through local partners, youth groups, service providers and media. The media campaign will be launched targeting gender-based violence and prenatal sex selection. One of the partners will be the Armenian Apostolic church which will be empowered to have a stronger social engagement related to gender equality.
"Caring for Equality" Project will be implemented in four Marzes of Armenia (Gegharkunik, Aragatsotn, Tavush and Shirak) and Yerevan (Kanaker-Zeytun district) where World Vision Armenia already has long-term development programs and teams.

- Responsible for smooth implementation of the Project activities as per the elaborated Project Action Plan and ensuring compliance with the Project goal and donor requirements;
- Work closely and coordinate projects activities with the Area Programs' staff, Project partners and communities to ensure a high level of quality and effective performance;
- Establish and maintain effective Project reporting, evaluation, and communication systems; submit timely accurate and professional progress reports to the supervisor;
- Assist the Project Manager in developing draft financial and technical reports as conditioned by World Vision Armenia and Donors' reporting standards of projects.

- Bachelor's degree;
- Excellent organizational, analytical, and oral and written communication skills in English and Armenian languages;
- Strong interpersonal skills;
- At least 2 years of experience in project coordination working with international organizations;
- Experience in gender-related projects;
- Computer aptitude and experience with word processors;
- Self-disciplined person with good time management skills;
- Analytical skills and problem-solving orientation; good negotiation skills;
- Ability to produce clear and well-organized documents;
- Understanding of project reporting requirements;
- Ability to identify gaps, trends, priorities and key issues;
- Commitment to learning for transformation;
- Honesty and commitment to World Vision principles;
- Self-starter with the ability to work in a team environment;
- Ability and willingness to travel domestically up to 70 percent of the time.


Job URL: - "Caring for Equality" Project Coordinator @ World Vision Armenia

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