Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Job: Mid Level PHP Developer at ONEX LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 25-Apr-19 12:00:00 AM




- Senior or Middle level PHP application development
- Server side coding to Yii2 Framework and other standards (MVC)
- Manage complex software architecture
- Documentation and data modeling
- Client side coding to HTML5/CSS3 standards
- Write PHP-MYSQL & Javascript code
- Design MYSQL database structure
- Work both as individual contributor and as part of a team
- Read, understand and modify the existing code
- Provide technical support and assistance
- Manage complex software architecture
- Build reusable code


- Strong logic and reasoning skills
- 2+ Years of full-time web development work experience
- Work experience in PHP/ MYSQL development;
- PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstarp, JavaScript and jQuery skills
- Understanding of OOP concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism;
- Knowledge of Design Patterns (MVC, Singleton)
- Knowledge of developing with REST APIs, JSON data manipulation
- Knowledge of database Design principles, normalization/denormalization
- Knowledge of any Framework (Yii2 and Laravel)
- Knowledge of any JS Framework (Angular, React, Vue)
- Experience with Git
- Ability to learn quickly
- Ability to understand problems from the point of view of clients
- Ability to work to deadlines
- A sense of humor


Job URL: - Mid Level PHP Developer @ ONEX LLC

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