Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Category: Other
Type: Full Time
Deadline: 30-Jan-19 12:00:00 AM
Salary: N/A
Gender equality and women's empowerment remains a critical development issue in Armenia: women comprise 52.2% of the population in Armenia and 56% of those with higher education, still, leadership positions in government, in policy-making institutions or the private sector in Armenia are male-dominated. Due to their limited representation in leadership positions women have very little influence over policy decisions. While a 25% quota system ensures women are represented in political parties, they face distinct barriers to entering office at the local and national levels.
The Women in Politics is a joint project of UNDP Armenia and OxYGen Foundation, aiming at empowerment of women in local governance and implemented in partnership with RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development. Aligned with the priority of the UK Good Governance Fund to "build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities by helping to enhance growth, improve governance and support the creation of open societies and open economies", the project also builds on the results achieved within UNDP's previous EU- and current SDC-supported Women in Local Democracy projects (2012-2018), as well as OxYGen advocacy work on women political empowerment, supported by Swedish Government within the framework of "Equal" campaign.
The overarching goal of the project is to contribute to enhanced political participation of women, with a specific focus on enhanced representation and participation of females, including the young generation, in community development processes.
The project will empower women at the local level through building on and up-scaling the results achieved during the past years.
The project will contribute to the following results: (i) Strategies and recommendations on measures to improve women political participation developed based on evidence collected; (ii) Leadership potential and skills of women and youth in communities of Armenia are advanced for community development and transparent and accountable governance ; (iii) Role and capacities of political parties for advancing women in politics are enhanced; (iv) Policy dialogue on gender equality in the context of local development and ongoing reforms from local to subnational and national levels is facilitated; (v) Public discourse on issues of gender equality, women and youth participation at all levels is advanced through advocacy and public campaigns; (vi) Active young women and men in local communities are empowered: (i) as future local leaders; (ii) as enablers of local democracy.
To accumulate substantial evidence on public perception and policy gaps for women political participation from grassroots to the national level, two-phase comprehensive and multi-dimension research on women participation in local politics will be implemented to create solid evidence for a) need-based capacity building activities, b) result-oriented policy advocacy and c) public awareness-raising campaigns.
In order the programmatic activities and capacity development to women (potential) leaders is designed with understanding and consideration of the context and ongoing reform agenda, as a part of the above-stated research, the project currently undertakes baseline Survey on public perceptions of women's leadership and participation in decision-making, as well as policy gaps regarding women political participation. The survey will be implemented by OxYGen Foundation in close collaboration with UNDP Armenia. The identified candidate will be intitled also for conducting the end line survey at the end of the project in January – February 2021.
While the baseline survey will allow assigning the target- and result-oriented strategies for intervention, the end line survey will assess the progress of the project vis-à-vis objectives and results.
The findings of the baseline survey will be used for designing of public awareness and advocacy campaign; the end line survey will serve to assess the progress of the project. The survey methodology will combine the identified set of quantitative and qualitative methods for broad voice at the grass root level.
With the present ToR OxYGen is launching the Survey and inviting both individual consultants or organizations or companies for its implementation.
The survey will set a baseline on public perception about women political participation at local level and will create solid evidence for a) need-based capacity building activities, b) result-oriented policy advocacy and c) public awareness-raising campaigns.
While the baseline will allow assigning the target- and result-oriented strategies for intervention, the end line survey will assess the progress of the project vis-à-vis objectives and results. Detailed information on the survey approach and methodology is provided in the below paragraphs.
Survey key questions
The survey will dwell upon four main issues:
1.Public perception of women in local politics with the main focus on local self-governance bodies and communities in rural areas:
How local female decision-makers are perceived by the public in terms of their skills, competencies, qualifications? What are people's perceptions of women's participation in positions of local decision-making and leadership?
2.Reveal of key positive and negative factors for promotion and advancement of female leadership at the local level
The opportunities and obstacles for women's socio-political-economic participation at the local level (including infrastructure, local characteristic)
3.Impact of specific political culture at place, as well as territorial and administrative reform in Armenia (TARA) on women's leadership and participation in decision making at local level in rural communities.
4.Other questions in line with the project Result framework, proposed by the research team, as well as and OxYGen and UNDP project teams.
Survey design and methodology
The survey shall encompass empirical study which includes an identified set of quantitative and qualitative methods.
The nationwide survey among the population, with the sample size of minimum 1,700 respondents, will be conducted. It will create the possibility of "tracking variables", evaluating correlations between various factors, variables, etc., especially on how opinions are affected by demographic factors (regional level specifics and differences, including Yerevan (big cities) vs. other marzes).
This will also allow the appropriate confidence level (95 %, as we cannot expect to get the ideal 97%) and confidence interval (at least about 2.5) in a nationwide study.
The survey will be based on a representative sample of the population from all marzes and should enable researchers to correlate the number of variables concerning the surveyed population and its various subsets, such as residence, gender, age, political party membership/affiliation, membership in NGO, level of education, marital status, probably income level, employment status, consolidated vs. non-consolidated communities, Yerevan vs. other marzes. Also, to ensure the inclusiveness of the survey, the special methodology will be applied to reach all the sectors of the population, including respondents from low representative groups of society (people with disabilities, minorities, etc.)
While conducting the survey researchers and interviewers must comply with the ethical standards of academic research, including assurance of anonymity and confidentiality of responders. Each respondent should be informed of the purpose of the study and about the voluntary nature of the participation in the survey. The survey should ensure an equal opportunity for all residents in the area to be included in the study (non-discrimination principle).
The baseline survey should be launched in February 2019. The output of the assignment is
•The processed data and report on findings.
The report will also include the specific baseline data on variables in line with the project result framework (to be added at the questionnaire designing stage).
•Follow-up recommendations on data collection methods for end-line study.
In January -February 2021 the selected candidate (s) will be invited to conduct the end-line survey to assess the progress/ change in the variables identified in the baseline study vis-à-vis project objectives and results.
Inception report
The inception report should present the detailed approach to the Baseline Survey, specifically, it should include:
•Detailed survey design, methodology, and methods, including the sampling design for stakeholder study;
•Final study tools (interview guides, questionnaire, etc. as needed);
•Detailed timeline;
The inception report should be presented in English and Armenian.
Fieldwork report
After completion of the survey, the Consultant should present short Fieldwork Report, which should identify the following topics:
•SPSS database
•Information on the technical implementation of the survey;
•Main challenges and mitigation measures were undertaken by the Consultant;
Recommendations on the implementation of future survey based on experience.
Final report
The final report document of the baseline study should be prepared in Armenian and English. The detailed outline and structure of the final report will be agreed between Consultant and OxYGen and will be articulated in the ToR.
After the preparation of the final report, the Consultant should hold a presentation of survey findings to OxYGen team members and Project partners. Based on the feedback the report shall be revised (if needed) and then finalized.
Required documentation
Interested candidate(s) with required qualification should submit their expression of interest (proposal) by 30th of Jan, CoB.
The expression of interest (proposal) should include:
1.Financial proposal - detailed Budget for the Consultancy;
2.Technical proposal – detailed approach on Baseline survey conduction (methodology, sampling, etc), maximum 15 pages;
3.CVs of personnel and Organizational profile, including links to previously conducted research studies;
Organizations/companies are required to submit the following additional documents: 4.Registration document of the legal entity
5.Letter from the Tax Department confirming that the organization has no overdue payments to the state budget
-The identified candidate(s) should have the capacity to carry out the survey in Armenia, as well as the capacity for gathering secondary data sources and clarifying the additional questions with respective agencies who provided the secondary information (for example national statistics offices, government bodies, etc.)
-The potential candidate(s) for conducting Baseline Survey should have at least following qualifications:
-Master's degree in Social Sciences, Economics, Statistics, or relevant field
-Proven record in conducting social researchers (both qualitative and quantitative) with a specific focus on gender equality promotion and gender justice
-At least 5 years of experience in the preparation of analytical reports
-Previous experience of working with OxYGen, UNDP and other international organizations is a plus
-Proven experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of development projects
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