Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Type: Full Time
Deadline: 08-Oct-19 12:00:00 AM
The UNCT Armenia invites applications for the National Consultant position in order to perform the Final Evaluation of the Armenia-UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2016-2020. Under the overall supervision of the UN Armenia Resident Coordinator and Evaluation Manager, the selected National Consultant on UNDAF 2016-2020 Evaluation, as an Evaluation team member, provides support to the UNDAF Final Evaluation International Consultant/ Team Leader as well as receives guidance and instructions in terms of research and drafting support. The Final Evaluation International Consultant/ Team Leader will take a lead role during the evaluation and coordinate the work of the National Consultant. The National Consultant will provide the expertise in the local development issues with sound understanding of the Armenian social and economic context as well as share responsibilities for conducting desk review and in-country data collection, including interviews, focus group discussions and field missions. He/ she will provide substantive inputs to the inception report as well as to the draft and final evaluation reports.
The National Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:
- Review relevant documents;
- Participate in the design of the evaluation methodology and provide inputs on the inception report;
- Conduct an analysis of the outcomes, outputs, Join WorkPlans and other reference materials;
- Carry out fieldwork and data collection as per the inception report and Terms of Reference;
- Draft related parts of the evaluation report as agreed on the division of labor with the team leader;
- Assist the Team Leader in finalizing the evaluation final report, including incorporating suggestions received on draft related to his/ her assigned sections;
- Perform any other research tasks as requested by the team leader;
- Provide inputs to post-evaluation communication materials.
Deliverables and Tentative Timeline:
Key deliverables of the assignment include the inception report, the evaluation report as well as post-evaluation communication materials. The full evaluation report (minimum 30 pages excluding the Executive Summary and Annexes) shall cover the issues outlined in the terms of reference and inception report including evaluation findings and conclusions, lessons and recommendations. UNDAF evaluation report should adhere to and implement UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards, as well as be in line with UNEG Guidance on Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation, OHCHR Guidance on Human Rights-Based Approach to Data and use UN-SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator and its related scorecard. The Final Evaluation Report should at a minimum include the following components:
- Executive summary;
- Introduction;
- Description of the evaluation methodology;
- Analysis of the situation with regard to outcome, outputs, resources, partnerships, management and working methods and/or implementation strategy;
- Key findings;
- Conclusions and practical, actionable recommendations for the successor 2021-2025 National/UN Cooperation Framework;
- Annexes including:
a) Evaluation ToR;
b) The evaluation matrix;
c) Inception report (including gap and stakeholder analysis);
d) List of persons interviewed;
e) Summary of field interviews;
f) List of documents reviewed;
g) Online survey and/ or questionnaire (if any) used and summary of results;
h) Overview of the country context with a preliminary analysis of the progress, gaps, opportunities and bottlenecks vis-à-vis the achievement of the 2030 Agenda;
i) Any other relevant material that supports evaluation findings and recommendation.
Expected deliverables/ activities and tentative evaluation schedule table for the National Consultant is available at: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=87733.
- Excellent knowledge of Armenia's development context;
- Knowledge of relevant human rights issues in Armenia and ability to identify related problems in their political, ethnic, racial, gender equality and socio-economic dimensions;
- Ability to evaluate and integrate information from a variety of sources related to the human rights and gender equality;
- Strong quantitative and qualitative research skills;
- Good analytical ability and drafting skills;
- Excellent team working skills;
- Knowledge of relevant human rights issues and ability to identify related problems in their political, ethnic, racial, gender equality and socio-economic dimensions;
- Good understanding of the SDGs and their implications for development cooperation;
- Good understanding of the role of the UN System in development cooperation in the context of the country in question;
- Demonstrated analytical capacity, including on political economy and financing for development.
- Master's degree in a relevant discipline.
- At least 7 years of work experience in the field of research and analysis in Armenia;
- At least 3 years of experience in development evaluation;
- Expertise in statistics (Armenia's context) would be an advantage;
- Experience in results-based management systems.
- Excellent writing and communication skills in English language.
Job URL: iJob.am - National Consultant on UNDAF 2016-2020 Final Evaluation @ UNFPA Armenia
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