Saturday, April 29, 2017

Job: Վաճառող-Խորհրդ��տու / Արարատ at Mobile Centre Art LLC Company

Location: Հայաստան, Արարատ

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Բարձր

Աշխատանքային գրաֆիկը՝ 10:00-21:00

Աշխատանքային օրերը՝ 6 օր

Աշխատավարձը՝ բարձր

Արարատի մասնաճյուղ

-Հաճախորդներին տրամադրել անհրաժեշտ տեղեկատվություն
-Իրականացնել վաճառքի պրոցեսը՝ խորհրդատվությունից մինչև ձևակերպում
-Իրականացնել գանձապահական աշխատանքների վարումը
-Ապահովել ապրանքատեսականու ճիշտ դասավորությունը և մաքրությունը խանութ-սրահում
-Վարել հաճախորդների տվյալների բազան, ներքին համակարգի աշխատանքի վերաբերյալ հաշվետվություններ ներկայացնել
-Պատասխանել մուտքային հեռախոսազանգերին
-Հաղորդակցվել այլ բաժինների հետ՝ կապված ծառայության մատուցման ընթացքում առաջացած խնդիրների լուծման և ընկերության ու հաճախորդների միջև լավ հարաբերությունների պահպանման հետ
-Իրականացնել բովանդակալից գործառույթներ

-Կրթություն` բարձրագույն
-Տարիքը՝ 23-35 տարեկան
-Որակներ՝ բարետես, բարեհամբույր, պարտաճանաչ
-Համակարգչային ծրագրերի իմացություն` MS OFFICE
-Լեզուների իմացություն` հայերեն, ռուսերեն, անգլերեն (ցանկալի)
-1C ծրագրի իմացությունը կդիտարկվի որպես առավելություն
-Աշխատանքային փորձը սպասարկման ոլորտում ՊԱՐՏԱԴԻՐ է (ցանկալի է տեխնիկայի ոլորտում)


Job URL: - Վաճառող-Խորհրդատու / Արարատ @ Mobile Centre Art LLC

Job: Վաճառող-Խորհրդա��ու / Մասիս at Mobile Centre Art LLC Company

Location: Հայաստան, Մասիս

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Բարձր

Աշխատանքային գրաֆիկը՝ 10:00-21:00

Աշխատանքային օրերը՝ 6 օր

Աշխատավարձը՝ բարձր

Մասիսի մասնաճյուղ

-Հաճախորդներին տրամադրել անհրաժեշտ տեղեկատվություն
-Իրականացնել վաճառքի պրոցեսը՝ խորհրդատվությունից մինչև ձևակերպում
-Իրականացնել գանձապահական աշխատանքների վարումը
-Ապահովել ապրանքատեսականու ճիշտ դասավորությունը և մաքրությունը խանութ-սրահում
-Վարել հաճախորդների տվյալների բազան, ներքին համակարգի աշխատանքի վերաբերյալ հաշվետվություններ ներկայացնել
-Պատասխանել մուտքային հեռախոսազանգերին
-Հաղորդակցվել այլ բաժինների հետ՝ կապված ծառայության մատուցման ընթացքում առաջացած խնդիրների լուծման և ընկերության ու հաճախորդների միջև լավ հարաբերությունների պահպանման հետ
-Իրականացնել բովանդակալից գործառույթներ

-Կրթություն` բարձրագույն
-Տարիքը՝ 23-35 տարեկան
-Որակներ՝ բարետես, բարեհամբույր, պարտաճանաչ
-Համակարգչային ծրագրերի իմացություն` MS OFFICE
-Լեզուների իմացություն` հայերեն, ռուսերեն, անգլերեն (ցանկալի)
-1C ծրագրի իմացությունը կդիտարկվի որպես առավելություն
-Աշխատանքային փորձը սպասարկման ոլորտում ՊԱՐՏԱԴԻՐ է (ցանկալի է տեխնիկայի ոլորտում)


Job URL: - Վաճառող-Խորհրդատու / Մասիս @ Mobile Centre Art LLC

Job: Վաճառող-Խորհրդա��ու / Արթիկ at Mobile Centre Art LLC Company

Location: Հայաստան, Արթիկ

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Բարձր

Աշխատանքային գրաֆիկը՝ 10:00-21:00

Աշխատանքային օրերը՝ 6 օր

Աշխատավարձը՝ բարձր

Արթիկի մասնաճյուղ

-Հաճախորդներին տրամադրել անհրաժեշտ տեղեկատվություն
-Իրականացնել վաճառքի պրոցեսը՝ խորհրդատվությունից մինչև ձևակերպում
-Իրականացնել գանձապահական աշխատանքների վարումը
-Ապահովել ապրանքատեսականու ճիշտ դասավորությունը և մաքրությունը խանութ-սրահում
-Վարել հաճախորդների տվյալների բազան, ներքին համակարգի աշխատանքի վերաբերյալ հաշվետվություններ ներկայացնել
-Պատասխանել մուտքային հեռախոսազանգերին
-Հաղորդակցվել այլ բաժինների հետ՝ կապված ծառայության մատուցման ընթացքում առաջացած խնդիրների լուծման և ընկերության ու հաճախորդների միջև լավ հարաբերությունների պահպանման հետ
-Իրականացնել բովանդակալից գործառույթներ

-Կրթություն` բարձրագույն
-Տարիքը՝ 23-35 տարեկան
-Որակներ՝ բարետես, բարեհամբույր, պարտաճանաչ
-Համակարգչային ծրագրերի իմացություն` MS OFFICE
-Լեզուների իմացություն` հայերեն, ռուսերեն, անգլերեն (ցանկալի)
-1C ծրագրի իմացությունը կդիտարկվի որպես առավելություն
-Աշխատանքային փորձը սպասարկման ոլորտում ՊԱՐՏԱԴԻՐ է (ցանկալի է տեխնիկայի ոլորտում)


Job URL: - Վաճառող-Խորհրդատու / Արթիկ @ Mobile Centre Art LLC

Job: Վաճառող-Խորհրդա��ու / Իջևան at Mobile Centre Art LLC Company

Location: Հայաստան, Իջևան

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Բարձր

Աշխատանքային գրաֆիկը՝ 10:00-21:00

Աշխատանքային օրերը՝ 6 օր

Աշխատավարձը՝ բարձր

Իջևանի մասնաճյուղ

-Հաճախորդներին տրամադրել անհրաժեշտ տեղեկատվություն
-Իրականացնել վաճառքի պրոցեսը՝ խորհրդատվությունից մինչև ձևակերպում
-Իրականացնել գանձապահական աշխատանքների վարումը
-Ապահովել ապրանքատեսականու ճիշտ դասավորությունը և մաքրությունը խանութ-սրահում
-Վարել հաճախորդների տվյալների բազան, ներքին համակարգի աշխատանքի վերաբերյալ հաշվետվություններ ներկայացնել
-Պատասխանել մուտքային հեռախոսազանգերին
-Հաղորդակցվել այլ բաժինների հետ՝ կապված ծառայության մատուցման ընթացքում առաջացած խնդիրների լուծման և ընկերության ու հաճախորդների միջև լավ հարաբերությունների պահպանման հետ
-Իրականացնել բովանդակալից գործառույթներ

-Կրթություն` բարձրագույն
-Տարիքը՝ 23-35 տարեկան
-Որակներ՝ բարետես, բարեհամբույր, պարտաճանաչ
-Համակարգչային ծրագրերի իմացություն` MS OFFICE
-Լեզուների իմացություն` հայերեն, ռուսերեն, անգլերեն (ցանկալի)
-1C ծրագրի իմացությունը կդիտարկվի որպես առավելություն
-Աշխատանքային փորձը սպասարկման ոլորտում ՊԱՐՏԱԴԻՐ է (ցանկալի է տեխնիկայի ոլորտում)


Job URL: - Վաճառող-Խորհրդատու / Իջևան @ Mobile Centre Art LLC

Job: Խորհրդատու-վաճառող at SALI Company

Location: Հայաստան, Երևան

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

SALI կոշիկի խանութին անհրաժեշտ են խորհրդատու-վաճառողներ:

Բարձր աշխատավարձը երաշխավորվում է:

-Հաճախորդների բարձրակարգ սպասարկում
-Հաճախորդների պահանջարկի ուսումնասիրում
-Կազմակերպության ապրանքի վաճառքի կազմակերպում
-Հաճախորդներին ամբողջական տեղեկատվության տրամադրում կազմակերպության արտադրանքի վերաբերյալ

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն
-Արական սեռի ներկայացուցիչ
-Ռուսերենի և անգլերենի գերազանց իմացություն
-Աշխատանքային փորձը սպասարկման ոլորտում պարտադիր է
-Համակարգչային հմտություններ


Job URL: - Խորհրդատու-վաճառող @ SALI

Job: Վաճառքի մասնագետ at X-Group Company

Location: Հայաստան, Երևան

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Անկանոն

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

"Aquatek" Մարզաառողջարանային համալիրում աշխատանքի է հրավիրվում վաճառքի մասնագետ:

-Մարկետինգային ուսումնասիրությունների կատարում և կազմակերպությունում նոր հաճախորդների ներգրավում
-Կազմակերպության ծառայությունների, ակումբային քարտերի, գների և այլ տեղեկությունների վերաբերյալ տեղեկատվության տրամադրում հաճախորդներին
-Մասնակցություն պրեզենտացիաների և այլ միջոցառումների կազմակերպմանը
-Պոտենցիալ հաճախորդների հետ էքսկուրսիաների անցկացում ` նրանց կազմակերպությանը և ծառայություններին ծանոթացնելու նպատակով
-Աշխատանք հաճախորդների հետ, ինֆորմացիայի տրամադրում հեռախոսով, էլ. փոստով և այլ տեղեկատվական միջոցներով
-Հաճախորդների հետ պայմանագրերի կնքում

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն
-Լեզուների վարժ իմացություն` անգլերեն, ռուսերեն, հայերեն:
-Իգական սեռ
-Տարիքը` մինչև 30
-Հաճախորդների և անձնակազմի հետ շփվելու և բանակցելու բարձր մակարդակ
-Կոնֆլիկտային և լարված իրավիճակներում աշխատելու ունակություններ


Job URL: - Վաճառքի մասնագետ @ X-Group

Job: Truck Driver at US Embassy, Yerevan Company

Location: Armenia, Yerevan

Category: Logistics, Transportation

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

U.S. Mission Yerevan

POSITION: Truck Driver
CLOSING DATE: May 12, 2017
WORK HOURS: Full-time: 40 hours per week

The U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Truck Driver in the General Services Office (GSO).

-The incumbent operates the Embassy trash (3.5 ton) and fuel (7.1 ton, capacity 4,930 liters) trucks for official purposes as scheduled by the Supply Supervisor and delivers trash to the local city dump.

-Applicants must address each required qualification listed below with specific and comprehensive information supporting each item. Failure to do so may result in a determination that the applicant is not qualified

-Completion of elementary school
-Two years experience as a truck driver
-Level I (Rudimentary) English and level III (Good Working Knowledge) Armenian
-Must have a valid, current class "C" license that is not currently suspended or revoked. Must demonstrate safe driving skills (to be tested)
-For driving purposes the incumbent must be 25 years or older


Job URL: - Truck Driver @ US Embassy, Yerevan

Job: HVAC Engineer at VENGE Engineering Company

Location: Armenia, Yerevan

Category: Architecture, Construction

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: fixed salary + bonus

The incumbent will work with systems of external and internal water supply, the water drain and heating, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, floor heating, ventilation and air-conditioning of industrial buildings.He will also design boilers.
The engineer-designer starts his work with the survey of the structure and drafting of the technical assignment, which is approved by the customer. He also compiles and approves the budget, which includes the cost of research and installation work, equipment and materials. The next step is the development of the project, its graphic implementation in specialized computer programs.

-Prepare HVAC documents
-Implement calculations and choose equipment materials
-Make installation of the projects
-Perform measurements of partial projects
-Implement HVAC calculations;
-Draw necessary sketches for complex nodes
-Correct the projects if necessary
-Visits the objects and make measurements of the site
-Monitor documentation

-Higher technical education (heat engineering, heat power engineering, heat and gas supply and ventilation)
-Work experience in related position
-Excellent knowledge of AutoCAD PC, Word, Excel
-Work Experience in design, installation of ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems is highly desirable
-Sufficient ability to carry out working documentation for construction
-Knowledge of normative documents on equipment
-Knowledge of technical and operational characteristics of engineering equipment
-Responsibility, initiative, communication and leadership skills


Job URL: - HVAC Engineer @ VENGE Engineering

Friday, April 28, 2017

Job: Receptionist at IBIS Yerevan Center Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Service & Security

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Ensure warm and friendly guest welcoming during their stay
- Handle any guest complaints and/or remarks, provide a response as soon as possible
- Record and forward timely messages and calls for guests, clients and administration
- Ensure registration, storage and transfer of correspondence for guests, clients and administration
- Prepare the necessary reports and statistical tables
- Ensure accurate and timely registration of guests in the computer system
- Ensure provision of special rates, transfers, vouchers, etc.
- Deal with guests' and clients' complaints and problems
- Control the compliance with new procedures of the Front Office
- Perform other tasks assigned by Front Office Manager


- Vocational diploma or degree in hospitality and/or anyone eager to work in the sector regardless of their educational background, pending validation of their skills
- Computer literate
- Fluent in Armenian, Russian and English; additional foreign languages are advantage
- Professional experience in the hotel is a plus
- Knowledge of Opera is preferable
- Good interpersonal skills, guest oriented and service minded
- Team spirit
- Good listening skills and ability to anticipate
- Good presentation and confident speaking skills
- Dynamic
- Copes well under pressure
- Strong sense of ethics
- Autonomous with sense of responsibility


Job URL: - Receptionist @ IBIS Yerevan Center

Job: Content and Communication Specialist at Smithsonian Institution Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM


The USAID "My Armenia" program is looking for a Content and Communication Specialist who will focus on content creation to help promote and tell the story of Armenia's natural and cultural heritage. He/ she will oversee communications initiatives for the program, as well as liaise with USAID, local government bodies and other key counterparts as guided by COP.

- Develop, curate and disseminate content about Armenia's natural and cultural tourism experiences to include substantive information about the regions, sites and attractions (tangible and intangible cultural heritage) where "My Armenia" is focused;
- Provide help in the development and dissemination of information materials about the "My Armenia" program as well as Solimar and Smithsonian's work in Armenia;
- Curate and maintain social media and other communications channels owned or managed by the program (to include Facebook, Twitter and Instagram);
- Contribute content to periodic newsletters/ communications to tourism and cultural heritage stakeholders in Armenia about activities and events within the sector(s);
- Ensure all communications and content material is compliant with "My Armenia" communications and branding manual including USAID requirements;
- Responsible for translation of materials from Armenian to English languages and vice versa;
- Perform additional duties as assigned and requested by COP;
- Identify gaps and needs within the content available to promote Armenia and destinations within the country that the My Armenia project can help to address;
- Travel throughout the regions of Armenia, identify and interview key cultural stakeholders to develop story ideas and gather rich photo and video content;
- Curate and maintain a relationship with local media;
- Prepare press releases in advance of project events and disseminate approved press releases to media contacts: maintain direct follow-up contact with media to ensure publication of press releases;
- Maintain a thorough and constantly up to date contact list of all media, stakeholders, and community members.

- Bachelor's degree in Arts or Humanities is preferred or equivalent work experience;
- Excellent written and oral English and Armenian language skills;
- Proven creative writing skills;
- Strong knowledge of social media platforms to include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube;
- Understanding of unique cultural history and heritage throughout regions in Armenia;
- Ability to work within a creative team.

- Video and Photo editing skills;
- Working knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator;
- Ability to take photos and videos and produce quality media material;
- Working knowledge of Flickr.


Job URL: - Content and Communication Specialist @ Smithsonian Institution

Job: Senior .NET Developer at ExyZett LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, depending on previous experience and skills, plus bonus programs, trainings and professional development opportunities.

ExyZett LLC is looking for a Senior .NET Developer.

- Responsible for establishing design and development of practices for the project, choosing appropriate platforms and technologies;
- Provide necessary technical and design documentation;
- Accurately estimate time and resources required for a project;
- Deliver robust and scalable quality software products on time;
- Act as a technical expert and consultant within a group;
- In coordination with the Manager, plan and execute projects through all phases of the project's development;
- Respond promptly and professionally to bug reports;
- Communicate effectively with local management and external team members.

- BS in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline;
- At least 3 years of experience as a .NET Developer;
- Solid understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP);
- Experience in data access technologies (ADO.NET and LINQ to Entities);
- Knowledge of web service technologies (WCF, REST and JSON);
- Experience in ASP.NET and MVC;
- Back-end and front-end skills;
- Any experience with SiteCore CMS is a big advantage;
- Strong experience with multiple IT technologies;
- Ability to work with the team manager to plan and prioritize activities;
- Good documentation skills;
- Ability to manage and realize problem solutions within a specified time range;
- Creativity and analytical thinking;
- Ability to learn quickly;
- Ability to work under pressure;
- Good English language skills to communicate and conduct teleconferences with foreign partners;
- Good understanding of the overall business goal of the project and ability to translate that into engineering requirements.


Job URL: - Senior .NET Developer @ ExyZett LLC

Job: Managing Editor at American University of Armenia Fund Company

Location: Armenia, 0019, Yerevan, Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 40 Building

Category: Marketing/Advertising/PR

Type: Full time

Deadline: 5/19/2017 12:00:00 AM





  • University degree required, preferably in Journalism, Communications, or English literature;
  • Native-level English-language skills required;
  • Armenian language skills required;
  • Strong sense of responsibility, punctuality, organization;
  • Editorial, journalistic, or writing experience required;
  • Managerial experience strongly preferred.


Job URL: - Managing Editor @ American University of Armenia Fund

Job: Truck Driver at U.S. Embassy Yerevan Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time, 40 hours per week.

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM


The U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Truck Driver in the General Services Office (GSO). The incumbent operates the Embassy trash (3.5 ton) and fuel (7.1 ton, capacity 4,930 liters) trucks for official purposes as scheduled by the Supply Supervisor and delivers trash to the local city dump.


- Completion of elementary school;
- 2 years of experience as a Truck Driver;
- Rudimentary knowledge (Level I) of English language and good working knowledge (level III) of Armenian language;
- Availability of a valid, current class "C" license that is not currently suspended or revoked; ability to demonstrate safe driving skills (to be tested). For driving purposes the incumbent must be 25 years or older.


Job URL: - Truck Driver @ U.S. Embassy Yerevan

Job: Chief Financial Officer at Picnic Hotels Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM


The incumbent will be accountable for the administrative, financial and risk management operations of the Company, to include the development of a financial and operational strategy, metrics tied to that strategy, the ongoing development and monitoring of control systems designed to preserve Company assets as well as reporting accurate financial results.

- Assist in formulating the Company's future direction and supporting tactical strategies;
- Monitor and direct the implementation of strategic business plans and operations;
- Develop financial and tax strategies of the Company;
- Manage the capital request and budgeting processes;
- Develop performance measures that support the Company's strategic direction.

- Participate in key decisions as a member of the executive management team;
- Maintain in-depth relations with all members of the management team;
- Manage the accounting, investor relations, legal, tax and treasury departments;
- Oversee the financial operations of subsidiary companies and foreign operations;
- Manage any third parties to which functions have been outsourced;
- Oversee the Company's transaction processing systems;
- Implement operational best practices;
- Oversee employee benefit plans, with particular emphasis on maximizing a cost-effective benefits package;
- Supervise acquisition due diligence and negotiate acquisitions;
- Report financial results to the board of directors.

Risk Management:
- Understand and mitigate key elements of the Company's risk profile;
- Monitor all open legal issues involving the Company, and legal issues affecting the industry;
- Construct and monitor reliable control systems;
- Maintain appropriate insurance coverage;
- Ensure that the Company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements;
- Ensure that record keeping meets the requirements of auditors and government agencies;
- Maintain relations with external auditors and investigate their findings and recommendations.

- Monitor cash balances and cash forecasts;
- Arrange for debt and equity financing.

Third Parties:
- Participate in negotiations with potential investors;
- Maintain banking relationships;
- Represent the Company with investment bankers and investors.

- Master's degree in Accounting or Business Administration, or equivalent business experience;
- More than 3 years of progressively responsible experience for a major company or division of a large corporation;
- Experience in partnering with an executive team; high level of written and oral communication skills;
- Oral and written communication skills in English and Russian languages;
- Excellent leadership, analytics and organizational skills.


Job URL: - Chief Financial Officer @ Picnic Hotels

Job: Менеджер п�� работе с поставщиками at ВсёВсё Ру Company

Location: Армения, Ереван

Category: Менеджмент

Type: Полная ставка

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

Армянскому офису российского интернет-гипермаркета ВсёВсё.ру нужны менеджеры по работе с поставщиками.

-Поиск оптовых поставщиков (интернет, телефон)
-Переговоры по условиям сотрудничества
-Регулярное обновление информаций по акциям и скидкам
-Уточнение нужной информации по товарам, брендам поставщика
-Обеспечение достаточного количества товарных предложений для отдела контента
-Анализ оптовых цен

-Отличное знание русского языка (на уровне родного)
-Уверенное общение с менеджерами поставщиков по телефону
-Хорошая память
-Умение наладить хорошие отношения с партнерами


Job URL: - Менеджер по работе с поставщиками @ ВсёВсё Ру

Job: Sales Manager at Unichem LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales & Marketing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Distribute and pre-sale detergents and cleaning products, disposable razors


- Experience 3+ years
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills
- Driver license (own car availability)
- Strong interpersonal, presentation and communication skills


Job URL: - Sales Manager @ Unichem LLC

Job: Business Development Manager at Asatryans LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 5/20/2017 12:00:00 AM



- Analyze market information and implement strategies to achieve goals;
- Establish and develop relations with customers and partners;
- Organize proactive meetings with existing and potential clients;
- Responsible for analysis, monitoring and reporting;
- Develop new services based on the detailed analysis and strong recommendations;
- Develop marketing and PR strategies;
- Develop marketing campaigns and monitor them.

- Higher education;
- Advanced knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.);
- At least 2-3 years of work experience in marketing or business development;
- Ability to meet deadlines with flexibility and professionalism;
- Solid analytical mind and problem-solving skills;
- Dedicated and client-oriented approach to work;
- Strong team-player with excellent verbal and written communication skills;
- Ability to take a long-term business trip;
- Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English, Russian and Armenian languages;
- Hard working and goal-oriented personality.


Job URL: - Business Development Manager @ Asatryans LLC

Job: Senior Java Developer at Developway CJSC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 4/27/2017 12:00:00 AM


Developway is looking for a Senior Java Developer to work for local and international projects.

- Design and develop enterprise-level software applications;
- Responsible for team lead and mentoring;
- Work productively as a key member of the software development team;
- Create, manage and update project-related documentation.

- At least 4 years of work experience in Java and J2EE application development;
- Advanced knowledge of debugging enterprise applications in Java and J2EE;
- Advanced knowledge of Spring (Boot and Rest);
- Knowledge of Maven, Gradle and Git;
- Familiarity with Jenkins and Docker;
- Knowledge of NoSQL DBMS and MongoDB;
- Knowledge of REST frameworks;
- Knowledge of AngularJS;
- Knowledge of Agile (Scrum) software development;
- Familiarity with any PM tool (Redmine, JIRA and Mantis);
- Knowledge of IntelliJ and Linux;
- Knowledge of of high-performance software delivery in a team;
- Strong problem-solving and troubleshooting skills;
- English language proficiency in both written and verbal communication;
- Knowledge of French language is a plus.


Job URL: - Senior Java Developer @ Developway CJSC

Job: Graphic Designer at GAT Cutting LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Arts, Entertainment and Mass Media

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Provide, develop and create design solutions for outdoor advertisement and large format printing
- Determine the required design approach to achieve desired results
- Estimate the time required to complete projects


- Higher education in Design
- Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW
- Knowledge of Illustrator and 3ds Max is desirable
- Work experience is preferred
- Flexible personality with ability to work independently and as a part of a team


Job URL: - Graphic Designer @ GAT Cutting LLC

Job: Information Security Officer at Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC Company

Location: 18/3 Amiryan Street, Yerevan 0002, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Handle all security requests and maintain users' profiles and privileges on all systems
- Monitor security events/ incident
- Analyze systems logs and perform security reviews
- Perform vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection tests
- Maintain security controls on all systems
- Maintain the testing environments
- Design and implement IT systems security
- Monitor the antivirus, Internet and email security as well as the intrusion detection/ prevention system across the Bank
- Promote and enforce security awareness within the Bank
- Assist in the design of security models and risk
- Conduct special information security projects
- Maintain and develop security policies
- Develop and maintain the business continuity plan
- Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned


- University degree in Information Systems or any related field
- At least 2 years of professional work experience in IT and banking sphere
- Availability of CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), ISACA or other technical certifications (CEH and CSA) is a big advantage;
- Knowledge of English language
- Project management skills
- Ability to prioritize and allocate time between different tasks
- Ability to respond to changing situations by continually improving performance
- Ability to work cooperatively and productively with team members
- Proven ability to work under pressure


Job URL: - Information Security Officer @ Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC

Job: Director of Student Services at American University of Armenia Company

Location: Armenia, 0019, Yerevan, Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 40 Building

Category: Top Management/Executive

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

Job Vacancy Announcement
Application deadline:Open until filled
Company: American University of Armenia (AUA)
Position: Director of Student Services
Contract type: FT (5 days/40 hours per week)
Job Location: Yerevan, Armenia

The American University of Armenia is seeking an individual(s) in the areas of Student Success/Student Services to begin by August 2017. The rank and responsibilities will be commensurate with the candidates' experience.
The individual(s) will foster an inclusive, student-centered campus culture that values community, civility, mutual respect, and collective engagement. S/he will work collaboratively with the staff, faculty, and other divisions of the institution to achieve AUA's goals for academic achievement, student engagement and the first-year experience. S/he will oversee Student Activities (including student government, student clubs, leadership, and major campus events including orientation and parents' programs), Counseling Services, Support for Students Returning from the Military, Academic Support Services, and other initiatives based on experience and the University's needs. This position reports to the Provost.

-Oversee programs of the Center for Student Success: Coaching for Academic Success, Counseling Services, Disability Support Services, Math & Writing Center, and Peer Mentoring
-Recruit, train and develop Student Affairs staff, ensuring high levels of operational efficiency, effectiveness and accountability
-Work closely and productively with other key areas at AUA, including Admissions, Financial Aid, Colleges and other units
-Increase visibility and student awareness of all available resources, helping students to take a proactive responsibility for their own educational objectives
-Develop and manage the budget for the unit and partner with the Provost on long-range resource planning, ensuring strategic, cost-effective, and results-driven use of resources
-Promote and enforce the Student Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics
-Develop and implement objectives for the unit as defined by the Academic Affairs and University Strategic Plans
-Manage the budgeting, planning and training of staff, volunteers, and student workers
-Develop and implement assessment mechanisms
-Collaborate with the provost, faculty and staff in the planning of special events including new student registration, probation workshops, advising sessions, etc.
-Perform other duties, responsibilities, or special projects as assigned by the Provost

-Master's Degree, preferably in an education-related field
-Previous and/or current professional experience in higher education (3 years minimum preferred)
-Outstanding interpersonal communication skills
-Proven organizational skills with strong attention to detail
-A working knowledge of student life or other comparable experience in an educational environment (international preferred)
-Strong working knowledge and understanding of professional codes of ethics and best practices for Student Affairs professionals
-Demonstrated commitment to the values of access, inclusion and diversity in education
-Strong English language skills required

-Experience in managing programs in residence life
-Experience in managing an office of international studies addressing the needs of incoming study-abroad and summer students as well as the needs of AUA students wishing to study abroad
-Working knowledge of Armenian


Job URL: - Director of Student Services @ American University of Armenia

Job: Information Security Officer at Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC Company

Location: 18/3 Amiryan Street, Yerevan 0002, Armenia

Category: Information Technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive salary, plus benefits.

Permanent position of Information Security Officer in Risk Management Department under direct report to Department Head. Information Security Officer handles all security requests related to various systems managed by Information security.

-Handle all security requests and maintain users' profiles and privileges on all systems
-Monitor security Events/Incident
-Analyze systems logs and perform security reviews
-Perform vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection tests
-Maintain security controls on all systems
-Maintain the testing environments
-Design and Implement IT systems security
-Monitor the antivirus, Internet and email security as well as the Intrusion detection/prevention system across the bank
-Promote and enforce security awareness within the bank
-Assist in the design of security models and risk
-Conduct special information security projects
-Maintain and develop security policies
-Develop and maintain the Business Continuity plan
-Other duties and responsibilities as assigned

-University Degree in Information Systems or any related field
-At least 2 year of professional work experience in IT and Banking sphere
-Availability of CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security professional), CISM (Certified Info Security Manager), CISA (Certified Info Systems Auditor), ISACA or other technical certifications (CEH, CSA) are big advantages
-Knowledge of English language
-Project management skills
-Ability to prioritize and allocate time between different tasks
-Ability to respond to changing situations by continually improving performance
-Ability to work co-cooperatively and productively with team members
-Proven ability to work under pressure


Job URL: - Information Security Officer @ Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC

Job: Foreman at Cobra Instalaciones Y Servicios S.A. Branch Armenia Company

Location: Armenia, Yerevan

Category: Architecture, Construction

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

"Cobra Instalaciones Y Servicios" S. A. Branch Armenia is looking for foreman, who will supervise construction site activities

-Organize construction/manufacturing process
-Supervise construction site
-Maintain/ fill construction books
-Implement appropriate calculations and reporting
-Supervise staff
-Maintain safety rules

-Excellent Knowledge of Armenian, good Knowledge of Spanish, Knowledge of English and Russian is a plus
-Degree in construction/building management, building engineering/studies, construction engineering management or civil/structural engineering
-Good communication skills
-Problem solving skills
-Commercial awareness
-Ability to motivate others
-Teamworking skills


Job URL: - Foreman @ Cobra Instalaciones Y Servicios S.A. Branch Armenia

Job: SEO / SEM Expert at AraTours LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/5/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Execute tests, collect and analyze data and results, identify trends and insights in order to achieve maximum ROI in paid search campaigns
- Track, report, and analyze website analytics and PPC initiatives and campaigns
- Manage campaign expenses, staying on budget, estimating monthly costs and reconciling discrepancies
- Optimize copy and landing pages for search engine marketing
- Perform ongoing keyword discovery, expansion and optimization
- Research and implement search engine optimization recommendations
- Research and analyze competitor advertising links
- Develop and implement link building strategy
- Work with the development team to ensure SEO best practices are properly implemented on newly developed code
- Work with editorial and marketing teams to drive SEO in content creation and content programming
- Recommend changes to website architecture, content, linking and other factors to improve SEO positions for target keywords


- Proven SEO experience
- Proven SEM experience managing PPC campaigns across Google, Yahoo and Bing
- Solid understanding of performance marketing, conversion, and online customer acquisition
- In-depth experience with website analytics tools (e.g, Google Analytics, NetInsight, Omniture, WebTrends)
- Experience with bid management tools (e.g., Click Equations, Marin, Kenshoo, Search Ignite)
- Experience with A/B and multivariate experiments
- Working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development and constraints
- Knowledge of ranking factors and search engine algorithms
- Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in SEO and SEM
- BS/MS degree in a quantitative, test-driven field


Job URL: - SEO / SEM Expert @ AraTours LLC

Job: Information Security Officer at Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC Company

Location: 18/3 Amiryan Street, Yerevan 0002, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, plus benefits.

The Information Security Officer will work in the Risk Management Department and directly report to the Head of Department. The Information Security Officer handles all security requests related to various systems managed by information security.

- Handle all security requests and maintain users' profiles and privileges on all systems;
- Monitor security events/ incident;
- Analyze systems logs and perform security reviews;
- Perform vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection tests;
- Maintain security controls on all systems;
- Maintain the testing environments;
- Design and implement IT systems security;
- Monitor the antivirus, Internet and email security as well as the intrusion detection/ prevention system across the Bank;
- Promote and enforce security awareness within the Bank;
- Assist in the design of security models and risk;
- Conduct special information security projects;
- Maintain and develop security policies;
- Develop and maintain the business continuity plan;
- Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

- University degree in Information Systems or any related field;
- At least 2 years of professional work experience in IT and banking sphere;
- Availability of CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), ISACA or other technical certifications (CEH and CSA) is a big advantage;
- Knowledge of English language;
- Project management skills;
- Ability to prioritize and allocate time between different tasks;
- Ability to respond to changing situations by continually improving performance;
- Ability to work cooperatively and productively with team members;
- Proven ability to work under pressure.


Job URL: - Information Security Officer @ Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC

Job: Software Solutions Architect at European Dynamics SA Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM


European Dynamics is looking for a Software Solutions Architect to provide his/ her services in an e-governance project for Armenia. The incumbent will provide software design, lead the development of e-governance systems and supervise software development teams.


- Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Development or an equivalent field; alternatively, at least 8 years of professional experience in software design and development of e-governance projects;
- At least 5 years of work experience in projects funded by international donors;
- Experience in participating in at least 2 software development projects with a budget above 1 million Euro concerning implementation of nation-wide e-services or government IT projects during the last 7 years;
- Experience in the implementation of nation-wide interoperability solutions and/ or single electronic window projects during the last 5 years;
- Fluency in English language, both written and spoken.

- Experience in implementing software solutions for revenue authorities (e.g. customs, tax authorities, etc.).


Job URL: - Software Solutions Architect @ European Dynamics SA

Job: Project Manager at European Dynamics SA Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM


European Dynamics is looking for a Project Manager to provide his/ her services in Yerevan, Armenia. The incumbent will manage e-governance software development projects.


- Master's degree in Public Administration, Management or an equivalent field; alternatively, at least 8 years of professional experience in management of e-governance projects;
- At least 5 years of work experience in projects funded by international donors;
- Experience in participating as a Project Manager in at least 2 projects with a budget above 1 million Euro concerning implementation of nation-wide e-services during the last 7 years;
- Experience in the implementation of nation-wide interoperability solutions during the last 5 years;
- Fluency in English language, both written and spoken.


Job URL: - Project Manager @ European Dynamics SA

Job: .Net Developer (full stack) at Praemium RA LLC Company

Location: 9 Alek Manukyan St, Yerevan 0070, Armenia

Category: Information Technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, depending on the previous experience and skills, medical insurance, professional development opportunities.

The .Net Developer will work on extending, maintaining and supporting Praemium's investment management platform technology. The platform has been developed in house and is web-based. You will work on global projects to expand our applications and systems, ranging from small projects and applications, microservices fabric to our larger core systems

-Work with the local and global teams
-Support operational aspects of the technology platform; later shift to extending the application over time

-At least 2 years of experience in software development
-Strong capabilities with .Net framework (C#)
-Strong capability with SQL (2014) development, Stored Procedures
-Experience in Agile/ Scrum environment
-Some knowledge of JavaScript and web-based front-end technologies
-Knowledge of AngularJS would be an advantage
-Experience with the modern Microsoft development stack, including Git
-Understanding of object-oriented programming
-Understanding of finance/ investment technologies is preferable
-Fluency in English language


Job URL: - .Net Developer (full stack) @ Praemium RA LLC

Job: Manual QA Engineer at Praemium RA LLC Company

Location: 9 Alek Manukyan St, Yerevan 0070, Armenia

Category: Information Technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, depending on the previous experience and skills, medical insurance, professional development opportunities.

Praemium RA is looking for a Software Tester with strong to join an agile and fast-paced development team.
The incumbent will play a key role in expanding the company's manual testing capability, executing testing with the existing team members to ensure high quality software is achieved across a suite of wealth management products.
The incumbent will work with a product development team including several existing Software Testers/ QA Experts. He/ she is expected to expand his/ her horizons in his/ her understanding of software, financial services, investment management, security assessment and the secure software development life cycle.

-Provider test coverage of our global file and data exchange platform
-Perform the testing and assessment of the company's in-house built software
-Participating in preparing Test Plans
-Preparing Test Scenarios
-Preparing Test Environment to execute the test cases
-Preparing Lesson Learnt documents from the previous project testing experience
-Preparing Suggestion Documents to improve the quality of the application
-Collaborate with the Agile/ Scrum teams to provide an input into test planning;
-Enhance the company continuous delivery and continuous integration capabilities
-Log and manage defects through to resolution

-Experience in the financial services industry is a definite plus
-Understanding of software testing methodologies and SDLC
-Excellent written and verbal English language communication skills
-Ability to interact comfortably and confidently with the development team
-Exposure to the Microsoft .NET framework and Microsoft TFS or Asana is a plus
-Good SQL server experience
-Experience in an Agile environment
-Strong initiative taking person; accountability and leadership qualities
-Follows instructions, responds to management direction; Takes responsibility for own actions; Keeps commitments


Job URL: - Manual QA Engineer @ Praemium RA LLC

Job: .Net Developer (full stack) at BetConstruct Company

Location: Yerevan

Category: Software development

Type: Full time

Deadline: 5/28/2017 12:00:00 AM



- Work with the local and global teams; 
- Support operational aspects of the technology platform; later shift to extending the application over time. 

- At least 2 years of experience in software development; 
- Strong capabilities with .Net framework (VB.NET, C#); 
- Strong capability with SQL (2008 or newer version is an advantage) development, Stored Procedures;  
- Experience in Agile/ Scrum environment; 
- Some knowledge of Javascript and web-based front-end technologies; 
- Knowledge of AngularJS would be an advantage; 
- Experience with the Microsoft development stack, including TFS, Visual Studio, GIT; 
- Understanding of object-oriented programming; 
- Understanding of finance/ investment technologies is preferable; 
- Fluency in English language. 


Job URL: - .Net Developer (full stack) @ BetConstruct

Job: Director of Student Services at BetConstruct Company

Location: Yerevan

Category: Education/training

Type: Full time

Deadline: 5/29/2017 12:00:00 AM




  • Oversee programs of the Center for Student Success: Coaching for Academic Success, Counseling Services, Disability Support Services, Math & Writing Center, and Peer Mentoring.
  • Recruit, train and develop Student Affairs staff, ensuring high levels of operational efficiency, effectiveness and accountability.
  • Work closely and productively with other key areas at AUA, including Admissions, Financial Aid, Colleges and other units.
  • Increase visibility and student awareness of all available resources, helping students to take a proactive responsibility for their own educational objectives.
  • Develop and manage the budget for the unit and partner with the Provost on long-range resource planning, ensuring strategic, cost-effective, and results-driven use of resources.
  • Promote and enforce the Student Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.
  • Develop and implement objectives for the unit as defined by the Academic Affairs and University Strategic Plans.
  • Manage the budgeting, planning and training of staff, volunteers, and student workers.
  • Develop and implement assessment mechanisms.
  • Collaborate with the provost, faculty and staff in the planning of special events including new student registration, probation workshops, advising sessions, etc.
  • Perform other duties, responsibilities, or special projects as assigned by the Provost.


  • Master's Degree, preferably in an education-related field.
  • Previous and/or current professional experience in higher education (3 years minimum preferred).
  • Outstanding interpersonal communication skills.
  • Proven organizational skills with strong attention to detail.
  • A working knowledge of student life or other comparable experience in an educational environment (international preferred).
  • Strong working knowledge and understanding of professional codes of ethics and best practices for Student Affairs professionals.
  • Demonstrated commitment to the values of access, inclusion and diversity in education.
  • Strong English language skills required. 


Job URL: - Director of Student Services @ BetConstruct

Job: Graphic Designer at GAT Cutting LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM


GAT Cutting is looking for an initiative, creative and solution-oriented Graphic Designer.

- Provide, develop and create design solutions for outdoor advertisement and large format printing;
- Determine the required design approach to achieve desired results;
- Estimate the time required to complete projects.

- Higher education in Design;
- Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW;
- Knowledge of Illustrator and 3ds Max is desirable;
- Work experience is preferred;
- Flexible personality with ability to work independently and as a part of a team.


Job URL: - Graphic Designer @ GAT Cutting LLC

Job: Ecommerce Marketing Manager at GTel Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM


GTel is looking for an Ecommerce Marketing Manager responsible for market research, product placement and managing and planning of project development strategy.


- University degree in Marketing or related fields;
- Good communication skills;
- Knowledge of Russian and English languages;
- Ability to work under pressure;
- Aptitude for learning new technical skills quickly; 
- Strong analytical, planning, project management, supervision, team building and problem-solving skills;
- Ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects and activities within time, budget and technical constraints;
- Ability to analyze work processes and procedures for improvement opportunities.


Job URL: - Ecommerce Marketing Manager @ GTel

Job: Internet Marketing Specialist at Global Colibri LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales & Marketing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/20/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Develop and run internet marketing campaigns
- Manage presence in social networks including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
- Monitor web traffic, analyse and evaluate e-mail communication efficiency
- Come up with new ideas and suggestions for marketing campaigns


- Knowledge in key areas of internet marketing
- Analytical skills and ability to work with reporting and data analysis tools (Google Analytics, etc.)
- Familiarity with inbound marketing techniques will be a plus
- Fluency in Armenian and English languages


Job URL: - Internet Marketing Specialist @ Global Colibri LLC

Job: ReactJS Developer at ApolloBytes LLC Company

Location: 33/27 Manandyan Street, Yerevan 0046, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/15/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Highly competitive salary, annual salary reviews, a performance bonus.

ApolloBytes is looking for a great ReactJS Developer who has experience in working with ReactJS. The primary focus will be on developing the front-end of large scalable single-page web applications with ReactJS plus Redux.

- Work with the team to plan, estimate and develop the front-end for business applications based on mockups;
- Build clean reusable ReactJS components.

- More than 2 years of proven experience in software development;
- Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including DOM manipulations;
- Strong understanding of ReactJS and its core principles;
- Familiarity with newer specifications of ES6/ ES7;
- Experience with CSS3/ SCSS (+Flexbox);
- Experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack and NPM;
- Experience with Git;
- Familiarity with RESTful APIs;
- Ability to learn new technologies very quickly;
- Proactive and results-driven mentality;
- Good knowledge of Armenian and English languages; knowledge of German language would be a plus;
- Excellent team player.


Job URL: - ReactJS Developer @ ApolloBytes LLC

Job: Leading Specialist/ Underwriter, Loan Applications Centralized Approval Department at "Kamurj" UCO CJSC Company

Location: 123 Sebastia Street, Yerevan, 0032, Armenia


Type: Full- time

Deadline: 5/12/2017 12:00:00 AM


"Kamurj" UCO CJSC is looking for a Leading Specialist/ Underwriter for Loan Applications Centralized Approval Department who will be responsible for controlling conformity of lending standards and conditions implemented in the frameworks of the Company's Micro-crediting Department.

- Examine the conclusions and recommendations submitted by the Company's departments;
- Analyze submitted documents;
- Ensure and protect the integrity of the documents' package;
- Responsible for the identification/ detection of credit risk, as well as the preparation of proposals for reduction of identified credit risk;
- Decide on the possible implementation of lending operations;
- Responsible for the interaction/ cooperation with the Company's employees about customer risk assessment and transactions which exposed credit risk;
- Prepare and submit reports.

- Higher economic and/ or financial education;
- At least 2 years of experience in finance and banking business and agricultural lending sector;
- Knowledge of the principles and methodology of borrowers' economics business/ financial analysis;
- Knowledge of the methods of carrying out the analysis of borrowers' creditworthiness;
- Knowledge of economic and accounting basics of taxation;
- Knowledge of financial analysis;
- Excellent time management skills and an ability to complete the job within deadlines;
- Ability to independently analyze and propose solutions of atypical loan deals;
- Knowledge of Armenian and Russian languages; knowledge of English language is desirable;
- Knowledge of MS Office and AS-Bank; a literate and skilled user of Internet.


Job URL: - Leading Specialist/ Underwriter, Loan Applications Centralized Approval Department @ "Kamurj" UCO CJSC

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Job: Առևտրի ներկա��ացուցիչ (Պրեսելեր) at Premier Foods LLC Company

Location: 89/1 Bagratunyats street, Yerevan, Armenia, 0007

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

Առևտրի ներկայացուցիչ (Պրեսելեր)
Կարող են դիմել բոլոր հետաքրքրված թեկնածուները
Երկարաժամկետ 3 ամիս փորձաշրջանով

Մշտական հաճախորդների հետ ինտենսիվ աշխատանքի իրականացում և վաճառքի պլանների կատարում:

-Նոր հաճախորդների ներգրավում
-Ապրանքի ներկայացնում վաճառքի կետերում
-Հաճախորդների հետ գործարար հարաբերությունների հաստատում և պահպանում
-Վաճառքի կետերում ամբողջ տեսականու առկայության վերահսկում
-Հաճախորդներին ընկերության յուրաքանչյուր նախաձեռնության մասին տեղեկացում
-Իր հաճախորդներից պատվերների ընդունում
-Հետևել իր մատակարարման աշխատանքի արդյունավետ իրականացմանը

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն
-Հայերենի և ռուսերենի իմացություն
-B կարգի վարորդական վկայական
-Համակարգչի տարրական գիտելիքներ
-Հաղորդակցության հմտություններ


Job URL: - Առևտրի ներկայացուցիչ (Պրեսելեր) @ Premier Foods LLC

Job: Drilling and Blasting Engineer at AAB Project Company

Location: Armenia, Yerevan

Category: Architecture, Construction

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

"AAB Project" LLC is announcing vacant position of Drilling and Blasting Engineer based in Yerevan.

-All planning, extraction sequencing, design and scheduling of surface drilling and blasting
-Monitor and react to control the fragmentation and waste dilution within acceptable limits
-Drilling, timing and blasting performance modelling, in-situ performance assessment and adjustment according to surface conditions in consultation with the Topographical Geodesist
-Implement and manage control systems to ensure drilling, timing and blasting
-Drill and blast cost planning as well as reconciliation, monitoring and improvement of cost
-Management of the Drill and Blast database
-Maintain and improve safe work practices

-University degree. Preferably in engineering or related field
-Minimum 3 years of sufficient experience, blast holes drilling experience will be an advantage
-Working knowledge of specialist Drill and Blast design software will be an advantage
-Good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite
-Good knowledge of Armenian, Russian languages, English will be plus
-Strong knowledge of Safety and Environmental Regulations
-Planning, coordinating and prioritizing
-Decision making ability in a fast changing environment
-Driving Licence B,C and own transport
-Ability to work under pressure and remotely within the assigned territory


Job URL: - Drilling and Blasting Engineer @ AAB Project

Job: Call Center specialist at Anelik Bank CJSC Company

Location: Armenia, 0010, Yerevan Vardanants St., 13 Building

Category: Banking, Accounting, Financial

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/15/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive; Anelik Bank CJSC offers a competitive compensation package and benefits (including full medical insurance, sport activities, etc.) as well as various trainings for career advancements.

Anelik Bank is seeking a Call center specialist to render distant customer service.

-Attracting customers through means of remote communication and implementing of customer service
-Providing clients with comprehensive information on banking services
-Implementing cross-sales and surveys through outgoing calls
-Customer issues identification and recommendations
-Providing clients with the necessary information

-Higher education
-At least 1 year of work experience in the banking system or in a call-center
-Knowledge of the RA banking legislation
-Cross-sales skills
-Knowledge of computer
-Good knowledge of English, Russian languages
-Excellent speaking skills
-Team work
-Communication skills


Job URL: - Call Center specialist @ Anelik Bank CJSC

Job: Հեռախոսազ��նգերի կենտրոնի մասնագ��տ at Anelik Bank CJSC Company

Location: Armenia, 0010, Yerevan Vardanants St., 13 Building

Category: Բանկային, Հաշվապահական, Ֆինանսական

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/15/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive; Anelik Bank CJSC offers a competitive compensation package and benefits (including full medical insurance, sport activities, etc.) as well as various trainings for career advancements.

"Անելիք" բանկը փնտրում է Հեռախոսազանգերի կենտրոնի աշխատակից՝ հաճախորդների հեռահար սպասարկումն իրականացնելու համար։

-Հեռահար հաղորդակցման միջոցներով հաճախորդների ներգրավում և սպասարկում
-Բանկային ծառայությունների վերաբերյալ հաճախորդներին համալիր տեղեկատվության տրամադրում
-Ելքային զանգերի միջոցով խաչաձև վաճառքների և հարցումների իրականացում
-Հաճախորդների խնդիրների բացահայտում և առաջարկների ներկայացում
-Հաճախորդներին անհրաժեշտ տեղեկատվության տրամադրում

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն
-Նվազագույնը 1-2 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ բանկային համակարգում կամ "Հեռախոսազանգերի կենտրոն"-ում
-ՀՀ բանկային օրենսդրության իմացություն
-Խաչաձև վաճառքների իրականացման հմտություն
-Համակարգչային գիտելիքների իմացություն
-Անգլերեն,ռուսերեն լեզուների լավ իմացություն
-Բանավոր խոսքի գերազանց տիրապետում
-Թիմային աշխատանքի պատրաստակամություն
-Հաղորդակցման հմտություններ


Job URL: - Հեռախոսազանգերի կենտրոնի մասնագետ @ Anelik Bank CJSC

Job: Վաճառ��ի խորհրդատու at Sovrano LLC Company

Location: Հայաստան, Երևան

Category: Վաճառքի գծով ներկայացուցիչ

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 5/27/2017 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

Սովռանո Ընկերությանն անհրաժեշտ են Երևան սիթի սուպերմարկետներում Ընկերության կողմից ներկայացվող հրուշակեղենի բաժնի &վաճառքի խորհրդատու

Իգական սեռի ներկայացուցիչ՝ մինչև 35 տարեկան։

Աշխատանքի տևողությունը՝ 01.10.2016 - 31.12.2016
Աշխատաժամերը՝ 14։00 - 21։00

-Սուպերմակետների ցանցում Ընկերության ապրանքանիշի բաժնի վաճառքի խորհրդատվություն
-Ապրանքատեսականու ներկայացում գնորդներին
-Ապրանքատեսականու առկայության ապահովում բաժնում և դարակաշարերում
-Գովազդային նյութերի տրամադրում անցորդներին
-Պիտանելիության ժամկետների և ապրանքային տեսքի պահպանման վերահսկում

-Բարձրագույն կրթությունը ցանկալի է
-Աշխատանքային փորձը վաճառքի բնագավառում խրախուսելի
-Վաճառքի հմտություններ
-Հաղորդակցվելու հմտություն
-Արագ կողմնորոշվելու, մաթեմատիկական հաշվարկներ կատարելու հմտություններ
-Գրագետ հայերեն և ռուսերեն լեզվով խոսելու ունակություն
-Իգական սեռի ներկայացուցիչ՝ մինչև 35 տարեկան


Job URL: - Վաճառքի խորհրդատու @ Sovrano LLC

Job: Back - End Developer at ApolloBytes LLC Company

Location: 33/27 Manandyan Street, Yerevan 0046, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/15/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Work with the team to plan, estimate, design and develop business applications and services with "Zero downtime" concepts
- Work on the existing software products and extend the features
- Analyze the requirements and design/ develop software architecture for high intensity data management solutions
- Analyze the data flows from multiple sources and develop unified data mining/ storing software
- Design the database and develop appropriate SQL queries, stored procedures, functions, triggers and views
- Work in a team or individually at all the phases of software development life cycle
- Constantly learn new technologies and methodologies in the business software development


- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or a related field
- At least 3 years of experience in enterprise-level software development
- Solid knowledge of and experience in Agile SDLC
- Solid knowledge of and experience in OOP principles and architectural patterns
- Solid knowledge of and experience in C# and the principles of .NET platform
- Solid knowledge of and experience in development of Data Access Modules using ADO.NET, Linq and Entity Framework
- Solid knowledge of and experience in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core technologies
- Solid knowledge of and experience in web services (WCF and WebAPI)
- Solid knowledge of data structures and algorithms
- Experience with multiple systems interconnection concepts and implementation
- At least 2 years of work experience with MS SQL Server (queries, views, functions and stored procedures)
- Ability to debug/ troubleshoot the existing codes
- Familiarity with Cloud computing technologies
- Experience with TFS, Git and JIRA
- Familiarity with Signal R is a big plus
- Familiarity with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services is a big plus
- Familiarity with ES6/ ES7 is a plus
- Familiarity with CSS3/ SCSS (+Flexbox) is a plus
- Familiarity with modern front-end build pipelines and tools is a plus
- Proactive and results-driven person
- Good knowledge in Armenian, Russian, English languages; knowledge of German language will be a plus
- Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements
- Excellent team player
- Ability to work under strict deadlines


Job URL: - Back - End Developer @ ApolloBytes LLC

Job: Import Product Manager at IT Logic Tech LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales & Marketing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 5/26/2017 12:00:00 AM




- Carry out current negotiations with partner companies
- Request proposals and quotes
- Find new product suppliers
- Consult and maintain relationships with suppliers
- Organize the import of required products to Armenia
- Control and ensure that all the shipments are carried out in compliance with customs rules and regulations
- Make inquiries to forwarding companies in order to get the best quotes for transportation
- Continuously search for new products and companies with whom the Company would possibly want to start a cooperation
- Perform other tasks as assigned


- University degree in a related field
- Work experience in a related field
- Good knowledge of English and Russian languages
- Knowledge of Windows Microsoft Office
- Excellent problem-solving skills
- Self-motivation and a sense of discipline
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills
- Ability to work in a team
- Ability to handle multiple tasks and meet strict deadlines


Job URL: - Import Product Manager @ IT Logic Tech LLC