Saturday, September 29, 2018

Job: Brand Manager at Veon Armenia CJSC (Beeline Armenia) Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Marketing/Advertising/PR

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Supervise all activities related to the brand creating, maintaining, and increase brand awareness and loyalty to the brand.
  • Participate in creating a brand plan and strategy and ensuring all aspects of the product marketing and activities align with the goals of the brand.
  • Coordinate the launch of marketing campaigns to develop high quality and effective marketing materials that align correctly with the overall brand strategy.
  • Collect and analyze data to understand market trends, competitor activities, and the behaviour of a brand’s target audience keeping a keen eye on developments within the market․
  • Seek out new marketing opportunities that fit with the brand and maximizing all opportunities for growth.
  • Manage external agencies and ensure marketing budgets are met.
  • Measure and report on success of marketing campaigns․


  • University degree in Marketing, Communication, Advertising/Branding, PR related fields;
  • At least 2 years of experience in marketing, communication, advertising fields.
  • Working experience in advertising agency will be an advantage;
  • Knowledge of marketing/communication/branding fundamentals;
  • Understanding of the full marketing mix;
  • Ability to manage different projects at the same time; Communicative and open personality;
  • Highly creative with ability to think out of box;
  • Time management skills, ability to set priorities
  • Team working skills and cross-functional capabilities;
  • Reporting, business writing and presentation skills;
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office;
  • Fluency in Armenian, Russian and English languages.  


Job URL: - Brand Manager @ Veon Armenia CJSC (Beeline Armenia)

Job: ��լանավորման և հաշվետվո��թյունների փորձագետ at Veon Armenia CJSC (Beeline Armenia) Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Finance Management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Գործառնական ծախսերի երկարաժամկետ և կարճաժամկետ պլանավորում և կանխատեսում;
  • Ընկերության գործառնական ծախսերի վերահսկում;
  • Տվյալների փաստացի շեղումների վերլուծություն;
  • Ֆինանսական ցուցանիշների բարելավմանն ուղղված գործողությունների նախաձեռնում։     


  • Բարձրագույն կրթություն ֆինանսների կամ տնտեսագիտության ոլորտներում;
  • Առնվազն 2 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ համապատասխան ոլորտում;
  • Հաշվապահական հաշվառման հիմունքների իմացություն;
  • Շնորհադեսներ պատրաստելու ունակություններ;
  • AS-Accounting 4.0, SQL, ինչպես նաև Oracle բազաների հետ աշխատելու փորձը ցանկալի է;
  • Վերլուծական մտածողություն;
  • Սթրեսակայություն, ժամանակը կառավարելու ունակություն;
  • Միջ-ֆունկցիոնալ համագործակցության ունակություններ;
  • MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) գերազանց իմացություն;
  • Հայերեն, ռուսերեն և անգլերեն լեզուների ազատ տիրապետում։         


Job URL: - Պլանավորման և հաշվետվությունների փորձագետ @ Veon Armenia CJSC (Beeline Armenia)

Job: female Sales Representative at J L Trading Group Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales/service management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Take responsibility for specific geographical area outlets;
  • Follow daily routes provided by the company;
  • Receive sales order from all customer outlets on the daily route;
  • Acquire and visit new outlets;
  • Follow the weekly reporting system for major tasks and other assigned activities;
  • Execute merchandising standards in all outlets of his area of responsibility;
  • Participate in marketing activities of the Company and execute necessary steps;
  • Submit to the Sales Administration the daily report in relevance of covering the route.


  • Higher education;
  • Avaliability of own car and driving license (validity for more than 1 year);
  • experience in beauty, cosmetics and perfumes filed
  • Work experience in sales is a plus;
  • English language and computer skills are preferable.
  • Good team-player 


Job URL: - female Sales Representative @ J L Trading Group

Job: ��ուկայի զարգացման պատա��խանատու at Anitex LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales/service management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  1. Ապրանքների տեղադրում և դասավորում վաճառքի վայրում։
  2. Անհրաժեշտ քանակության ապրանքի ապահովում վաճառքի վայրում։
  3. Ապրանքների ձեռքբերման պայամանագրերի ստորագրման ուղղությամբ անհրաժեշտ աշխատանքների իրականացում։
  4. Պատվերների հավաքագրում 
  5. Պատվերների կատարման ընդհանուր վերահսկում։
  6. Անհրաժեշտ փաստաթղթաշրջանառության վարում։                       
  7. Տարածքի (համայնք, բնակավայր, առևտրային ընկերություն, և այլն) ուսումնասիրում, որտեղ նախատեսվում է իրականացնել ապրանքների վաճառքներ։
  8. Ապրանքի պատշաճ ներկայացում մերչենդայզինիգի հետևյալ գործիքակազմի կիրառմամբ․
  • Space-management – ապրանքի այնպիսի դասավորում, որը կխթանի ապրանքի վաճառքը 
  • POS designing- գովազդային տարրերի տեղադրում POS-ում (պաստառներ, բուկլետներ, վոբլերներ,ապրանքների նմուշներ, դրոշակներ և այլն)։
  • Stock-control – ապրանքների անհրաժեշտ և բավարար քանակի հաշվարկում POS-ում, դրանց առկայության ապահովում։
  1. Առևտրային ընկերությունների ղեկավարների և աշխատակիցների հետ ամուր կապերի հաստատում։
  2. Ապրանքների դասավորման հայեցակարգի պահպանման, ինչպես նաև գովազդային սարքավորումների (էկրանների, դարակների, դարակաշարերի) նպատակային օգտագործման և վիճակի վերահսկում։ 
  3. Կիրառման համար ոչ պիտանի գովազդային տարրերի վերանորոգման, փոփոխման ուղղությամբ քայլերի ձեռնարկում։
  4. Առևտրային ընկերության աշխատակիցների նախապատրաստում և դասընթացների վարում հետևյալ ուղղություններով՝
  • ապրանքների՝ սպառողների համար կարևոր և հիմնական հատկանիշների ներկայացում,
  • ապրանքների դասավորման հիմնական սկզբունքների պահպանում,
  • վաճառքների խթանման հիմնական գործոնների ներկայացում։
  1. Վերահսկողություն վաճառակետերում ապրանքի մնացորդների և դեբիտորական պարտքերի նկատմամբ:
  2. Ամենօրյա, ամենշաբաթյա և ամենամսյա հաշվետվությունների ներկայացում:
  3. Վաճառքի գործընթացի կազմակերպում և վերահսկում: 
  4. Վաճառքի պլանների կատարում:
  5. Իրականացնել արտաքին շուկաների ուսումնասիրություն՝ վերլուծել արտադրանքի պահանջարկի, սպառման ծավալների, գնային քաղաքականության, սպառողների նախասիրությունների վերաբերյալ տեղեկատվությունը. արդյունքների վերաբերյալ ներկայացնել հաշվետվություն: 
  6. Շուկայում հետազոտություն և պոտենցիալ հաճախորդներին բացահայտում, նոր հաճախորդների ներգրավում, հաճախորդների տվյալների բազայի ստեղծում, թիրախային հաճախորդների ցանկագրում, կոմերցիոն առաջարկների պատրաստում, ապրանքատեսակների ճիշտ ներկայացում։
  7. Խանութներում ապրանքի՝ ընկերության կողմից սահմանած մանրածախ գների հետևում և վերահսկում։ Ապրանքի՝ խանութի սահմանած գինը չպետք է գերազանցի ընկերության կողմից սահմանած մանրածախ գինը։ Ապրանքի՝ խանութի սահմանած գինը կարող է ավելի ցածր լինել քան ընկերության կողմից սահմանած մանրածախ գինը միայն դեպքում, եթե վերջինս խանութում ապրանքի համար ամրագրվում է որպես հիմնական գին և որին փոխարինում է նոր ավելի ցածր գինը՝ զեղչով։
  8. Դեբիտորական պարտքերի վերահսկում և հավաքագրում զանգերի միջոցով։


  1. Բարձրագույն կրթություն։
  2. Վաճառքի հմտությունների տիրապետում։ 
  3. Համակարգչային ծրագրերի իմացություն (Microsoft Օffice) 1C։
  4. Վարորդական վկայականի ու մեքենայի առկայությունը պարտադիր է։ 
  5. Թիմում աշխատելու ունակությունը։ 
  6. Անգլերեն և ռուսերեն լեզուների իմացությունը կդիտվի որպես առավելություն։ 
  7. Աշխատանքային փորձ վաճառքի ոլորտում` նվազագույնը 1 տարի։ 
  8. Բանակցելու ունակություն։ 
  9. Պատասխանատվության բարձր զգացում։ 
  10. Արագ որոշումներ կայացնելու ունակություն։



Job URL: - Շուկայի զարգացման պատասխանատու @ Anitex LLC

Job: Alumni Manager at Teach For Armenia Educational Foundation Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 29-Sep-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, based on previous experience.

Teach For Armenia is looking for an experienced visionary and highly strategic individual to set the vision for alumni leadership, developing strategic partnerships that maximize alumni impact, and building a community of alumni leaders across diverse sectors. The Alumni Manager will ensure that alumni remain connected to Teach For Armenia's mission and enter high-impact opportunities that maximize their leadership potential. The purpose of the Alumni Manager is to build a strong Teach For Armenia Alumni community, maintain ongoing coordination of interaction with the entire Teach For Armenia alumni population, build strong and lasting partnerships with employers and professional associations, create networking opportunities for the alumni and partner organizations, assess alumni career progress and coordinate alumni events. Apart from being qualified for the job, Teach For Armenia needs someone who shares its vision and mission and is aligned with its Core Values: Striving for Excellence, Constant Learning and Growth, Dedication and Resilience, Integrity and Humility. These Core Values are a vital component of the Organization's culture to ensure long-term and sustainable success, and therefore they are viewed as an important component for the selection of new team members and Fellows.

- Set long-term vision for alumni impact at the classroom, school, regional and system levels and alumni engagement with the Organization;
- Develop strategies to encourage and engage alumni to support Organization's external communication, advocacy, fundraising, training and leadership activities and recruitment strategies;
- Design rigorous and robust professional development opportunities that accelerate alumni leadership development;
- Identify leadership and career opportunities for alumni at the classroom, school, region and system levels;
- Develop career support and transition services for second-year fellows;
- Oversee the planning and delivery of various workshops, trainings and events, including networking opportunities with external partners, alumni induction ceremony, alumni conference, etc.;
- Create and sustain an alumni culture that inspires alumni to mobilize around issues of justice and equity and develop annual and quarterly plans for alumni involvement;
- Lead communication and outreach to alumni through social media, email, digital platforms, events and networking opportunities;
- Design physical and virtual spaces to allow for collaboration and community building between alumni in classrooms and those working in other sectors;
- Collaborate with other functional teams and regional teams to ensure aligned approach to fellow and alumni development and engagement prior to, during and beyond their fellowship;
- Identify, develop and manage relationships with external partners that benefit alumni career and professional development and further their commitment to the mission, including graduate schools, school districts, governments, businesses, non-profit organizations, etc.;
- Develop an alumni advisory committee;
- Maintain communication and interaction with the entire Teach For Armenia alumni population on ongoing basis by maintaining and updating the online alumni database and sharing frequent updates, announcements and other information through targeted contact with Teach For Armenia alumni;
- Report updates and details of alumni career lifestyle in order to benefit other alumni, current Fellows, incoming prospective Fellows and the Fellowship in general;
- Build networking and career opportunities for Teach For Armenia alumni by developing employer database for Teach For Armenia alumni;
- Maintain an alumni information display case, alumni newsletter/ website, and departmental forms;
- Develop an effective Teach For Armenia Alumni Association with a positive image and promote participation and good-will;
- Organize periodic alumni gatherings.

- Bachelor's degree; master's degree is preferred;
- At least 5 years of relevant professional experience, with 2 years of management experience;
- Excellent vision-setting and strategic thinking and planning ability;
- Exceptional communication skills and ability to inspire and galvanize others to take action toward ambitious goals;
- Exceptional interpersonal and relationship-building skills;
- Proven ability to develop and leverage relationships and partnerships to achieve concrete goals;
- Strong critical thinking skills and ability to analyze a problem or opportunity and identify appropriate strategies;
- Ability to independently prioritize tasks and work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment;
- Ability to operate with urgency and sense of possibility to achieve ambitious goals;
- Flexibility to work in a cross-cultural environment;
- Ability to organize and coordinate events and alumni activities within deadlines and budgets;
- Excellent knowledge of Armenian and English languages (oral and written); good knowledge of Russian language is strongly desired;
- Alumni status of a similar long-term program is preferable (FLEX, UGRAD, AIESEC, Erasmus, etc.);
- Record of success in cultivating and building partnerships in Armenia is preferred;
- Experience in career development and/ or nonprofit sector is preferred.


Job URL: - Alumni Manager @ Teach For Armenia Educational Foundation

Job: Development Coordinator at Teach For Armenia Educational Foundation Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 29-Sep-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, based on previous experience.

Under the leadership of the Director of Development (DD), the Development Coordinator (DC) will provide critical support for TFA's Development team to move more efficiently and effectively toward reaching an ambitious fundraising goal of several million dollars operating revenue over the next 3-5 years. Other major responsibilities will include providing critical support to TFA's engagement with government agencies and networking with other organizations in education as a key actor within our civil society. The DC will report directly to and work closely with the Director of Development on setting and executing high-level development strategies and managing a portfolio of donors and prospects. This position provides an opportunity for an individual with superior critical thinking, communication, analysis, project management, and reporting skills to gain an in-depth understanding of Teach For Armenia and play a critical role in ensuring the organization reaches its 2018-2022 goals. To be successful, the DC must be a team player and multitasker who is able to support the DD and TFA leadership in building and sustaining relationships with numerous stakeholders of various backgrounds. This individual must be comfortable in an entrepreneurial environment and possess an exceptionally high level of personal responsibility for achieving ambitious results. He/ she must be detail-oriented, have strong knowledge of funding solicitation processes, procedures, and requirements by key institutional donors in Armenia and have knowledge on key potential donors in Armenia, Diaspora, and elsewhere in the world. Previous experience in government relations/ advocacy and networking/ coalition building is strongly desirable.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Under the direct supervision of the Director of Development, the Development Coordinator (DC) support the cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of donors and prospects in the foundations, multilateral funding sources, and major gifts portfolio to build strong relationships, increase renewal and upgrade rates, and expand the base of support by:
a) Conducting research to develop new sponsorships, identify potential upgrades within the existing donor base, and gather information to determine the best approach to engage prospects and donors;
b) Together with the DD planning and carrying out Teach For Armenia's new campaign to raise several millions of dollars in operating revenue over the next 3-5 years;
c) Preparing and supporting the Development Director to execute actions in line with the strategic and operational plans and monitor progress (i.e., prepare meeting briefs and materials, capture meeting notes and outcomes, prepare donor follow-up, draft correspondence, track when tasks are completed, identify when tasks are upcoming, etc.);
d) Using Salesforce or other software for stewardship, engagement, and cultivation purposes; drafting reports; outreaching current and potential donors; analyzing trends in donations, identifying gaps, etc.;
e) Supporting the Director of Development in producing high-quality written communications by drafting, proofreading, and editing communications as well as compiling data and supplementary materials (financial reports, news articles, statistics on programmatic initiatives, Fellow/Alumni anecdotes, etc.);
f) Actively engaging with the DD in adjusting and implementing strategies from one funding market to another;
g) Developing pitches, strategies, tactical plans, and compelling donor-related content to achieve goals for different donor segments;
h) Coordinating the required actions of Public Affairs and other teams and employees to ensure quality communication with prospects and donors;
i) Working closely with the Development Director and Public Affairs team to plan and execute a sequence of communications, actions and events for each donor in the portfolio to increase their understanding of and commitment to Teach For Armenia;
j) Closely working with the DD to ensure the alignment and fulfillment of the complete relationship building process, starting from potential donor identification and research through closing the deal and further stewardship;
k) Supporting the DD and TFA's leadership in sustaining relationships with the MoES (Ministry of Education and Science) and other government agencies both for social contracting and for advocacy and purposes;
l) Under the guidance of the DD, actively engaging with CSOs (civil society organizations) in the education sector to build networks/ coalitions to address educational inequality in Armenia;
m) Collecting and synthesizing relevant statistics, stories, and anecdotes to be used by the Director of Development and the Public Affairs team in tailoring donor pitches and meeting materials;
n) Representing TFA in diverse public platforms (i.e. conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.) and developing briefs, talking points, and reports for the DD, CEO and senior leadership as deemed necessary;
o) Having the opportunity to manage interns and Fellows working on specific projects in frames of the Development team's overall goals.

- Bachelor's degree; master's degree is preferred;
- Excellent content writing and reporting skills;
- Proven work experience in managing databases, preferably in fundraising or related functions;
- Excellent organizational and planning skills, as well as considerable attention to detail;
- Knowledge of funding solicitation processes, procedures, and requirements of key institutional donors in Armenia;
- Experience with fundraising or related functions with international organizations or civil society groups;
- Strong management and coordination skills;
- Investment and entrepreneurship mindset;
- Strong networking skills; coalition building/ networking experience is preferred;
- Critical thinking and solid judgment in prioritizing problems and opportunities in order to achieve the most meaningful outcomes;
- Excellent relationship-building skills (listening, negotiating, and interpersonal skills);
- Extremely strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to speak and write compellingly about the Organization, mission and goals;
- Excellent knowledge of Armenian and English languages; knowledge of Russian language is strongly desired;
- Ability to travel domestically and internationally.


Job URL: - Development Coordinator @ Teach For Armenia Educational Foundation

Job: Farsi Speaking Customer Agent at Rika Group UK LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Other IT/tech

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Use ticketing systems to respond to users, organise the timing and handling of users requests and
    respond to emails from users
  • Good telephone manners
  • maintain professional customer service to clients.
  • ensuring that the online user experience is at a high standard at all times - consistently exceed users' needs
  • keeping updated on relevant sporting matters and rules


  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in either English and Farsi OR Armenian and Farsi languages. Fluency in farsi (both written and spoken) is a necessity
  • Proficiency in using computers is a must
  • Focused, determined and solution-orientated work ethic
  • Excellent attention to detail and ability to understand complex processes
  • To remain driven, able to rise to a challenge and focus on delivery
  • Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment
  • Flexible attitude and positive approach to change
  • Self-motivated, energetic and dedicated
  • Educated to degree level or equivalent vocational training/experience is desirable


Job URL: - Farsi Speaking Customer Agent @ Rika Group UK LLC

Job: Financial Analysis Expert at Veon Armenia CJSC (Beeline Armenia) Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Finance Management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Conduct analysis of allocation for financial resources;
  • Define efficiency of financial investments;
  • Analyze and validate the promotion of commercial and marketing initiatives;
  • Make a post-analysis and control of investment programs, commercial products and marketing initiatives;
  • Participate in short-term and long-term planning.


  • University degree in Finance or Economics;
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of financial analysis;
  • Experience in telecom is a plus;
  • Knowledge of accounting basics;
  • Skills in financial modelling;
  • Experience management of cash flow and working capital;
  • Ability to prepare presentations;
  • Experience in working with AS-Accounting, 4.0 SQL is a plus;
  • Analytical mindset;
  • Stress resistant personality;
  • Time management skills;
  • Skills in cross-functional collaboration;
  • Excellency in MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point);
  • Fluency in Armenian, Russian and English languages.   


Job URL: - Financial Analysis Expert @ Veon Armenia CJSC (Beeline Armenia)

Friday, September 28, 2018

Job: Customer Agent (Farsi Speaking) at Rika Group UK LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Service & Security

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Use ticketing systems to respond to users, organise the timing and handling of users requests and respond to emails from users
- Good telephone manners
- maintain professional customer service to clients.
- ensuring that the online user experience is at a high standard at all times
- consistently exceed users' needs
- keeping updated on relevant sporting matters and rules


- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in either English and Farsi OR Armenian and Farsi languages. Fluency in farsi (both written and spoken) is a necessity
- Proficiency in using computers is a must
- Focused, determined and solution-orientated work ethic
- Excellent attention to detail and ability to understand complex processes
- To remain driven, able to rise to a challenge and focus on delivery
- Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment
- Flexible attitude and positive approach to change
- Self-motivated, energetic and dedicated
- Educated to degree level or equivalent vocational training/experience is desirable


Job URL: - Customer Agent (Farsi Speaking) @ Rika Group UK LLC

Job: Sales Consultant at Zangak Bookstore CJSC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 27-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Fixed

Zangak Bookstore is looking for a Sales Consultant.

- Provide costumer service and consulting;
- Stay up to date with the latest news and events in the sphere of literature;
- Participate in the events organized at the Bookstore;
- Keep the bookshelves presentable both in content and in form;
- Perform other job-related tasks assigned by the immediate supervisor.

- Love of literature and reading;
- Higher education;
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills;
- Excellent knowledge of Armenian language; good knowledge of Russian and English languages;
- Teamwork skills;
- Work experience in the relevant field will be an advantage.


Job URL: - Sales Consultant @ Zangak Bookstore CJSC

Job: Sales Consultant at AlcoHall Alco Market Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 27-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, based on skills and experience.

AlcoHall Alco Market is seeking a qualified, motivated and client-oriented Sales Consultant to be responsible for presentation and sales of wines and spirits.

- Present and sell the products to the customers;
- Provide high-quality consultation and related services;
- Execute the sales activities in line with the targets and plans;
- Compile, analyze, and interpret sales data.

- Higher education;
- Fluency in Armenian, Russian and English languages;
- Proven record of professional experience in sales, preferably in alcohol industry;
- Excellent presentation and communication skills;
- Good computer literacy;
- Friendly, helpful, confident, result and client oriented personality.


Job URL: - Sales Consultant @ AlcoHall Alco Market

Job: Food products export manager at Վեյա ՍՊԸ Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales/service management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Research and identify food products made in Armenia having good export potential;

- Communicate and negotiate with manufacturers of food products, compare prices, products, payment conditions of different manufacturers;
- Prepare presentation materials of food products in English and Russian languages;
- Research and identify overseas potential clients, direct communication with them via email/phone, participation in trade shows;
- Understand and organize necessary permissions, licenses, certificates of domestic products for foreign markets;

- Develop and maintain effective communication with both manufacturer companies, and overseas clients.

- Contact new and existing customers to discuss their needs and provide with appropriate commercial offer services;
- Work with the freight forwarding companies to expedite fulfillment of orders as it applies to specific contract actions or negotiations;


- Degree in Business, Economics or a related field;
- Professional work experience is desirable, preferably in sales/export areas;
- Excellent written and oral communication skills in Armenian, Russian and English languages are desirable;
- Ability to work in a team;
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills; knowledge of MS Office.


Job URL: - Food products export manager @ Վեյա ՍՊԸ

Job: Տուր մենեջեր at Travel&Co. Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Tourism/Hospitality/HoReCa

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM





• MS Office ծրագրերի իմացություն
• Ռուսերեն, անգլերեն  լեզուների գերազանց իմացություն
• Առնվազն 1 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ

• Պատասխանատավության մեծ զգացում և թիմում աշխատելու ունակություն

Աշխատանքային ժամերն են՝ 10:00-19:00 


Job URL: - Տուր մենեջեր @ Travel&Co.

Job: Գնումների մասնագետ at Spayka LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Procurement/Logistics/Courier

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




-Կատարել տեղական և արտասահմանյան մատակարարներից ապրանքների ձեռքբերման   և մատակարարման աշխատանքները,

- Գտնել անհրաժեշտ ապրանքները,

- Կատարել գնային մոնիթորինգ, 

- Կազմակերպել ձեռքբերման գործընթացը

- Հետևել մատակարարման գործընթացի    իրականացմանը։


  • Տեխնիկական կրթություն
  • MS Office իմացություն
  • Արագ կողմնորոշվելու ունակություն,
  • Վերլուծություններ անելու և որոշումներ կայացնելու ունակություն
  • Թիմում աշխատելու հմտություններ
  • Պատասխանատվության զգացում
  • Աշխատանքային  փորձը պարտադիր է


Job URL: - Գնումների մասնագետ @ Spayka LLC

Job: Tenders manager at Վեյա ՍՊԸ Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales/service management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Explore and examine tenders announced by Government Entities of Armenia
  • Prepare tenders tables for management on weekly basis
  • In cooperation with company's management identify tenders to participate
  • Prepare tender bid documents package for submission
  • Perform other relevant tasks as assigned.


  • Experience with tenders in Armenia
  • Good knowledge of tendering procedures and documents
  • Strong communication and negotiation skills
  •  Ability to work under time pressure, ability to meet deadlines


Job URL: - Tenders manager @ Վեյա ՍՊԸ

Job: Personnel Administration Specialist at BetConstruct Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: HR, Recruiting, Staffing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 12-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: N/A

We are looking for an energetic and enthusiastic professional, who enjoys working with people, to join our growing team.

-Provide application information to new employees and help with form completion, verify submission of all necessary documentation
-Make all necessary entries in the database and ArmSoft accurately
-Maintain human resources department records by recording new hires, transfers, terminations, changes in job classifications
-Track vacation and sick leaves
-Orient new employees by providing orientation information packets; gather withholding and other payroll information
-Prepare the employment agreement for newly hired employees
-Document human resources department actions by completing forms, reports, logs, and records
-Process the payrolls for the employees following biweekly pay schedules for multiple employers
-Audit time sheet records

-Bachelor's degree in Social Science, Economics or other related filed
-1-2 years of related experience
-Knowledge of ArmSoft is mandatory
-Good knowledge of RA Labor Code
-Strong analytical skills
-Good knowledge of skill-set in using Microsoft Office
-Strong written and spoken communication skills
-Good problem solving skills


Job URL: - Personnel Administration Specialist @ BetConstruct

Job: Marketing Project Manager at Idram LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 27-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM


Idram LLC is looking for a motivated and creative person for the position of Marketing Project Manager. The ideal candidate is a creative, ambitious, initiative person who can combine modern PM tools, traditional marketing and newest approaches in SMM, digital marketing in his/ her everyday work, and, at the same time, he/ she is open for a new challenges.

- Plan and implement marketing campaigns;
- Maintain SMM and digital marketing campaigns;
- Monitor and report on ongoing projects progress from accepted concept through delivery for allocated marketing projects and campaigns;
- Prepare project timelines plus manage projects to establish budgets;
- Ensure marketing projects are delivered as scheduled and within budget to best possible quality standards;
- Track deliverables;
- Implement and manage changes when necessary to meet project outputs;
- Evaluate and assess results of project;
- Provide ideas as well as opportunities to assist and enhance sales results;
- Prepare PR content.

- Higher education Finance, Marketing, Public Relations or in a related field;
- At least 3 years of work experience in a relevant field; work experience in financial or a related field will be an advantage;
- Artistic and creative approach;
- Excellent negotiation skills;
- Effective planning skills and ability to prioritize tasks;
- Strong presentation, verbal, visual, and written communication skills;
- Excellent writing and speaking skills in Armenian, Russian and English languages;
- Ability to work under tight deadlines;
- Knowledge of SMM and digital marketing tools;
- Knowledge of computer; excellent knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint programs; knowledge of PM tools is a strong advantage;
- Ability to resolve problems;
- Responsibility, openness, proactivity.


Job URL: - Marketing Project Manager @ Idram LLC

Job: Senior QA Tester at Genesis Solutions Company

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Highly competitive, plus accommodation, travel expenses, visa and per diem.

The Senior QA Tester will be responsible for reporting bugs across multiple devices and platforms with the aim of improving application quality. He/ she will be responsible for creating and maintaining test cases for the application based on the requirements. Areas of focus will include usability, performance and browser/ device support. The incumbent will be required to develop regression tests against all developer updates inline with the Company's CI platform and regression test suite for a variety of browsers and platforms. He/ she will be responsible for designing and maintaining API test scripts for testing back end services of the application. The position requires clear communication skills and an ability to work well with other team members.


- Knowledge of Python;
- Knowledge of Selenium UI;
- Automation framework experience;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Ability to define Use cases;
- Ability to work closely with the development team;
- Attention to detail;
- Debugging ability;
- Cross platform testing experience;
- Excellent understanding of the Software Testing Cycle;
- Proven experience with test automation frameworks (e.g. Selenium);
- Experience with a programming language for automation (e.g. Python);
- Understanding of Browser technologies like HTML, CSS, XPath and JavaScript;
- Experience with web services/ API testing and tools like JMeter and Postman;
- Experience with basic DB queries MySQL;
- Ability to define personas is a plus.


Job URL: - Senior QA Tester @ Genesis Solutions

Job: Senior Front End JavaScript Developer at Genesis Solutions Company

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Highly competitive, plus accommodation, travel expenses, visa and per diem.

The Senior Front End JavaScript Developer will be responsible for the development of a mobile-first, React JS based client application. He/ she should have an enthusiasm for performant and friendly UI development. The incumbent should have experience with i18n (internationalization) for both text and layout (RTL/ Arabic). He/ she will be required to leverage and expand the Company's internal component library, improving code quality and test coverage wherever possible. The Senior Front End JavaScript Developer will be developing rich functionality which will be supported across multiple browser platforms and versions. He/ she should have a keen eye for detail ensuring that the Company provides the best possible solution to its client. He/ she will have experience with developing accessible UI's for users of determination. And will require clear communication skills and an ability to work well with other team members.


- Knowledge of Javascript, CSS and HTML;
- Knowledge of React;
- Knowledge of Redux;
- Knowledge of Webpack;
- Excellent understanding and experience with REST and SOAP;
- Good understanding of and experience with Accessibility;
- Experience with Localization (Arabic layout);
- Understanding of mobile-first concept;
- Knowledge of unit testing;
- Attention to detail
- High proficiency in English language, both spoken and written.

- Knowledge of SAML;
- Knowledge of OAuth;
- Knowledge of payment gateways;
- Knowledge of performance;
- Progressive Web Applications development experience.


Job URL: - Senior Front End JavaScript Developer @ Genesis Solutions

Job: Senior Full Stack JavaScript Developer at Genesis Solutions Company

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Highly competitive, plus accommodation, travel expenses, visa and per diem.

The Senior Full Stack JavaScript Developer will be responsible for developing across both the front end and the back end of the application. He/ she will be responsible for verifying merge requests and ensuring that the development is following best practices and adhering to the Company's internal security, performance and styling guidelines. The incumbent will be required to develop the Company's back end NodeJS services, defining what data will be made available and how it will be consumed. He/ she will also be required to develop unit tests against own services and ensure that they are maintained to a high standard. The Senior Full Stack JavaScript Developer requires a proven ability to develop against SOAP based interfaces along with REST based interfaces. The position requires an ability to tune for performance and resiliency across the Company's various services. He/ she will also be responsible for documenting own services and ensuring that blueprints are made available for the front end to develop against while the services are being developed. The position requires clear communication skills and an ability to work well with other team members.


- Knowledge of Javascript, CSS and HTML;
- Knowledge of React;
- Knowledge of Redux;
- Knowledge of Node JS and Express;
- Knowledge of Webpack;
- Knowledge of MariaDB, MySQL and MongoDB;
- Excellent understanding and experience in REST and SOAP;
- Knowledge of API development;
- Good understanding of app performance;
- Understanding of mobile-first concept;
- Knowledge of unit testing;
- Knowledge of Logging;
- Attention to detail;
- High proficiency in English language, both spoken and written.

- Knowledge of SAML;
- Knowledge of OAuth;
- Knowledge of PassportJS;
- Knowledge of payment gateways;
- Knowledge of Docker;
- Knowledge of Service Architecture;
- Knowledge of microservices;
- Understanding of scalability;
- Progressive Web applications development experience.


Job URL: - Senior Full Stack JavaScript Developer @ Genesis Solutions

Job: Lead JavaScript Developer at Genesis Solutions Company

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Highly competitive, plus accommodation, travel expenses, visa and per diem.

The Lead JavaScript Developer will be responsible for managing a team of developers across both the front end and the back end of the application. He/ she will be responsible for verifying merge requests and ensuring that the development is following best practices and adhering to the Company's internal security, performance and styling guidelines. He/ she will be required to scope feature requests as per the teams ability and for ensuring that the workload is shared evenly across the team and catering to the teams individual skills and abilities. The Lead JavaScript Developer will also be required to ensure that the test coverage is being tracked and maintained to a high standard. He/ she will be required to guide the development team when necessary and to mentor them on topics that they require help with. The position requires a sense of compassion towards the team and clear communication skills so that the team remains motivated during times of pressure and against tight deadlines.


- Knowledge of Javascript, CSS and HTML;
- Knowledge of ReactJS;
- Knowledge of Redux;
- Knowledge of Node JS and Express;
- Knowledge of Webpack;
- Knowledge of MariaDB and MySQL;
- Knowledge of Docker;
- Excellent understanding and experience in REST and SOAP;
- High proficiency in English language, both spoken and written.

- Knowledge of payment gateways;
- Knowledge of service architecture;
- Knowledge of performance;
- Understanding of mobile-first concept;
- Knowledge of Progressive Web Applications;
- Knowledge of unit testing;
- Knowledge of Logging;
- DB admin skills;
- Knowledge of CI, Gitlab, Jenkins and Circle;
- Attention to detail;
- Knowledge of API design;
- Knowledge of microservices;
- Understanding of scalability.


Job URL: - Lead JavaScript Developer @ Genesis Solutions

Job: Community Tree Planting (CTP) Monitor at Armenia Tree Project (ATP) Charitable Foundation Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 14-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Negotiable, based on previous work experience and skills.

The incumbent will monitor the planting sites of Armenia Tree Project all over Armenia and Artsakh.

- Work in the Community Tree Planting (CTP) division;
- Monitor reports directly to the CTP Manager;
- Consult the ATP agronomist in technical aspects, e.g. causes of tree mortality, pesticide application, etc.;
- Identify sites for tree planting;
- Perform training on tree planting before planting process at the sites;
- Responsible for the tree care, which should be performed at the sites;
- Identify correctly the tree survival rate at the sites;
- Fill in the computer files on tree survival and tree measurement;
- Perform tree measurements and collect other data required by the project;
- Establish contacts with tree caretakers at the sites;
- Use the time rationally during monitoring activities;
- Take photos of the sites;
- Introduce the site to the donors and guests.

- Master's degree in Agriculture;
- At least 1 year of experience in the definite field;
- Availability of "B,C" driver license;
- Reporting skills;
- Attention to details and accuracy;
- Teamwork ability;
- Analytical and problem-solving skills;
- Excellent knowledge of Armenian language; knowledge of English language is a plus;
- Readiness to work under pressure and within set deadlines;
- Willingness to travel throughout Armenia and Artsakh with possible overnight stay.


Job URL: - Community Tree Planting (CTP) Monitor @ Armenia Tree Project (ATP) Charitable Foundation

Job: Հաշվապահ մասնագետ at Easy Pay LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Accounting/Bookkeeping

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




• ընթացիկ հաշվապահության վարում
• էլեկտրոնային եղանակով հարկային հաշիվների և հաշվետվությունների դուրսգրում
• սկզբնական և հաշվապահական հաշվառման փաստաթղթերի հավաքագրում և կազմում
• հաշվետվությունների կազմում
• փոխատարձ հաշվարկների ակտերի կազմում
• աշխատավարձի և այլ հավասարեցված վճարների հաշվարկում և փոխանցում
• տեղական և միջազգային փոխանցումների կատարում ինտերնետ բանկ համակարգերով
• հաճախորդ- բանկ համակարգով վճարման հանձնարարականների ուղարկում, մշակում, մարում
• կատարված գործառնությունների հաշվապահական ձևակերպումներ



  • Աշխատանքային փորձ
  • Բարձրագույն կրթություն, պատասխանատվության զգացում
  • Օրենսդրության, համակարգչային գիտելիքների՝ Excell, ՀԾ-հաշվապահական ծրագրերի իմացությամբ
  • Դժվար իրավիճակներում արագ կողմնորոշվելու ունակություն
  • Շփման և թիմային աշխատանքում արագ ինտեգրվելու ունակություններ



Job URL: - Հաշվապահ մասնագետ @ Easy Pay LLC

Job: Full Stack Developer at BG Solutions LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 27-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Competitive, plus benefits such as paid time off and quarterly bonuses.

BG Solutions is looking for a Full Stack Developer motivated to build out service processing engines embracing cloud based, API driven, and modern standards. The incumbent will have the opportunity to make a huge impact on the Organization as an individual contributor while also being part of a "high-performance" application development team. The Company uses Microsoft based technologies (Azure, C#, SQL Server) and employ an Agile practice with consistent review from the technical and business stakeholders.

- Work with project managers to determine needs and apply/ customize existing technology to meet those needs;
- Integrate user-facing elements/ interfaces developed by a front-end developers with server side logic;
- Build reusable code and libraries for future use;
- Compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems and identify areas for improvement;
- Implement automated testing platforms and unit tests;
- Design and implement data storage solutions.

- Experience with C# and Entity Framework 2;
- Experience in Microsoft SQL Server development, designing and creating DB schema and storage procedures;
- Knowledge of NET.Core;
- Experience in designing project schema in UML, designing software architecture based on OOP principles;
- Basic knowledge of TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology;
- Good knowledge of native JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and Ajax;
- Experience in creating projects based on Ajax API;
- Knowledge in optimization of the application for maximum speed and scalability;
- Understanding of accessibility and security compliance;
- Strong understanding of code versioning tools;
- Good time-management skills to meet project deadlines;
- Ability to work independently or with a group;
- Ability to work with a ticketing system such as JIRA;
- Good understanding of overall SDLC and ability to work in an agile/scrum development methodology environment;
- Ability to work in a fast-paced and demanding environment and be comfortable delivering quality solutions in a timely manner;
- Process oriented; ability to create appropriate technical documentation including support handover.

- Strong written and communication skills; ability to communicate in English language;
- At least 3 years of development experience in the related fields;
- BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience;
- Proven history of successful independent delivery.


Job URL: - Full Stack Developer @ BG Solutions LLC

Job: Back-End Software Engineer at Aarki Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Software development

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Develop Python code for web applications, data manipulation, analytics, deployment, and tooling
  • Maintain existing Python and C++ projects; identify and remove performance bottlenecks and improve resource utilization
  • Write and optimize ORM and SQL code
  • Research new problems, analyze available solutions and implement them using state-of-the-art approaches and tools


  • Strong programming skills in Python, Ruby, C++, C#, Java, Scala or any other language
  • Experience with databases and SQL
  • Experience working in Linux/Unix environments
  • Good understanding of algorithms, computational complexity, performance
  • Strong working knowledge of math and computer science fundamentals

Good to have

  • Relevant industry experience: ad targeting, fraud detection
  • Experience with web frameworks
  • Familiarity with JavaScript, jQuery
  • Familiarity with iOS and Android application development
  • Familiarity with network and system administration of high throughput/high load environments
  • Experience with machine learning, data modeling, and visualization in Python, R, or other languages.


  • Bachelor's in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or equivalent


Job URL: - Back-End Software Engineer @ Aarki

Job: Web Developer at Softler LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 05-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Develop and support websites
- Code, test and troubleshoot programs utilizing the appropriate hardware, database and programming technologies
- Maintain secure, reliable and high quality web programming
- Establish programming of data integrity for online services


- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, or equivalent work experience
- Linux / Apache web servers
- Excellent knowledge of PHP and MySQL
- Experience working with a PHP MVC frameworks(Yii, Laravel, CakePHP)
- Experience designing, coding and consuming Restful APIs
- Javascript development using TypeScript, JQuery or ReactJS
- Web service integration using technologies such as XML, SOAP, REST
- AJAX application including parsing and rendering XML and JSON
- Master of Git version control. Must be able to assist in conflict resolution
- Ability to identify issues and problem areas, either functional or performance-related, and proactively identify solutions. Must be a natural born problem solver
- Superb attention to detail


Job URL: - Web Developer @ Softler LLC

Job: Software Engineer: Algorithms and Data Science at Aarki Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Design and implement high-performance machine learning algorithms and platforms
- Understand data domain and translate business requirements into code
- Analyze system performance relative to various key metrics and establish a framework for fast iterative development
- Read relevant research and apply learnings to the problem domain
- Define deployment and monitoring requirements


- Very strong programming skills in Python, Ruby, C++, C#, Java, Scala or any other language
- Strong working knowledge of math and computer science fundamentals
- Experience with databases and SQL
- Experience working in Linux/Unix environments
- Good understanding of algorithms, computational complexity, performance Good to have:
- Experience with machine learning, data modeling, and visualization in Python, R, or other languages.
- Experience with parallel computing and "big data" frameworks (e. g. Spark)
- Experience with data warehousing systems and MPP databases
- Familiarity with network and system administration of high throughput/high load environments Education:
- Bachelor's in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or equivalent
- Master's or Ph. D. preferred


Job URL: - Software Engineer: Algorithms and Data Science @ Aarki

Job: Assistant to Travel Specialist at Betonstruct Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Administrative Job

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 08-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Plan departure, transportation, accommodations, insurance and other travel services
- Organize the arrival of foreign partners in Armenia on a high level
- Make accurate reservations of hotels, tickets and flights
- Collect and organize Visa and Insurance documents
- Deal with occurring travel problems


- At least 1 year of experience
- Degree in Hospitality, Travel, Tourism, Business or relevant field
- Knowledge of computer reservations systems
- Fluency in English and Russian languages
- Ability to interact, communicate and negotiate effectively
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines


Job URL: - Assistant to Travel Specialist @ Betonstruct

Job: Live Dealer at Betonstruct Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Linguistics

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Run and present games, strictly following the procedures of the Live Dealer module
- Respond to customer inquiries and comments according to the set procedures
- Show accurate and honest approach throughout the game
- Show friendly and polite attitude throughout the game
- Strictly follow the rules and procedures of the live studio


- University degree
- Knowledge of Spanish language
- High sense of responsibility
- Attentive to own appearance
- Experience in customer service will be a plus
- Highly motivated and team player


Job URL: - Live Dealer @ Betonstruct

Job: ��աշվապահական համակարգերի սպասարկող-խորհրդատու at Onesoft LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Ծրագրային ապահովում

Type: Պրակտիկա

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Պայմանագրային

1C համակարգերի ներդրմամբ զբաղվող ընկերությանն անհրաժեշտեն Հաշվապահական համակարգերի սպասարկող-խորհրդատուներ:

-Հարկային օրենսդրության և հաշվապահական հաշվառման ստանդարտների փոփոխություններին հետևում
-ծրագրային լուծում պահանջող խնդիրների առաջադրում,
-հաճախորդների հետ հանդիպումների կազմակերպում, պահանջների և առաջարկների ֆիքսում/ներկայացում
-կատարված խնդիրների ստուգում – հանձնում հաճախորդներին

-Հարկային օրենսդրության իմացություն
-հաշվապահական ստանդարտների իմացություն
-MS Office-ի իմացություն
-ռուսերեն լեզվի իմացություն, անգլերեն լեզվի իմացությունը կդիտարկվի որպես առավելություն
-1C համակարգի իմացությունը կդիտարկվի որպես առավելություն
-Լսելու և հաղորդակցվելու ունակություն
-պատասխանատվության զգացողություն
-թիմայինաշխատանքի ունակություն
-հաճախորդների հետ շփման և բարեհամբույր սպասարկման հմտություններ


Job URL: - Հաշվապահական համակարգերի սպասարկող-խորհրդատու @ Onesoft LLC

Job: Platform and Game Monitoring Specialist at Digitain LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Other IT/tech

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Track and monitor game errors, disadvantages and problems.
  • Conduct market analysis.
  • Test new products.
  • Keeping up to date with the new games and providers.
  • Coordinate, analyze and optimize online game and casino products.
  • Assist casino development manager.


  • Graduate degree, technical background is preferable.
  • Work experience in relevant field will be a big plus.
  • Good knowledge of Russian and English languages.
  • Advanced computer user.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Excel.
  • Knowledge of Photoshop is desirable.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Hardworking, initiative and flexible personality.
  • Ability to organize and plan work independently.
  • Planning skills, ability to prioritize tasks.
  • High sense of responsibility.
  • Reporting and analytical skills.
  • Ability to work under high pressure.
  • A positive attitude towards working within a team and being a team player.
  • Passion, drive and motivation to learn new things.


Job URL: - Platform and Game Monitoring Specialist @ Digitain LLC

Job: WEB պրոյեկտների մենեջե�� at Nikita Mobile Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Ցանցային գործունեություն

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM

Salary: Պայմանագրային՝ կախված աշխատանքային փորձից

Գտնվելու Վայրը: Ք.Երևան,
Պաշտոնը: WEB պրոյեկտների մենեջեր
Տարիքը : 25-ից բարձր
Աշխատավարձը : Պայմանագրային՝ կախված աշխատանքային փորձից
Կրթությունը : Բարձրագույն
Աշխատանքային փորձը : Պարտադիր է
Աշխատանքային գրաֆիկ : Աշխատանքային գրաֆիկը՝
Երկուշաբթիից – Ուրբաթ՝ 09:00 – 18։00

-Ստեղծել օգտվողների համար հարմար վեբ էջեր
-Կոդավորել տրված դիզայնը HTML,CSS, JavaScript-ի
-Պահպանել եւ բարելավել ընկերության կայքը և ծրագրերը
-Օպտիմալացնել էջերը առավելագույն արագության և SEO-ի համար
-Համագործակցել back-end ծրագրավորողների եւ վեբ դիզայներների հետ
-Հանդիպումներ կազմակերպության գործընկերների հետ՝ պրոյեկտների ներկայացում և պահանջների առաջադրում
-Ապահովել օպերացիոն համակարգերի և կիրառական ծրագրային ապահովման գործընթացը, ինչպես նաև իրականացնել տվյալների բազաների ադմինիստրավորում
-Իրականացնել Ընկերության համակարգչային ցանցի ադմինիստրավորում
-Ապահովել նոր տեխնիկական սարքավորումների տեղադրում և վերահսկել նրանց անխափան աշխատանքը
-Իրականացնել պահուստային կրկնօրինակման համակարգի ադմինիստրավորում և պահուստային կրկնօրինակների ստեղծում
-Իրականացնել պահուստային կրկնօրինակից հիմնական համակարգ տվյալների վերականգնման և պահուստային համակարգին անցման գործընթացը
-Ապահովել պահուստային կրկնօրինակների և արխիվների պահպանումը
-Ապահովել տեխնիկական սարքավորումների սպառվող նյութերի ձեռքբերման գործընթացը
-Հեռակա ադմինիստրավորել աշխատակայանները
-Տրամադրել աշխատակիցներին հասանելիություններ, անհրաժեշտության դեպքում դադարեցնել կամ կասեցնել դրանք
-Կատարել բաժնի ղեկավարի այլ գործնական հանձնարարություններ

-Բարձրագույն տեխնիկական կրթություն
-ՏՏ բնագավառում նվազագույնը 3 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ
-MS Windows 7; MS Windows 2008/2012 R2/2016 Server; MS Active Directory, GPO, Terminal Server, File Server; MS Exchange 2010/2013/2016; TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, FTP, VPN; MS SQL Server 2008/2012/2016; VMware ESXi; Veeam Backup 7.0 գերազանց իմացություն
-MS WSUS Server; Linux Skills (Debian, CentOS); Asterisk, Elatix administration լավ իմացություն
-Հայրենի գերազանց իմացություն, տեխնիկական անգլերենի իմացություն
-Մեծ ծավալի տեղեկատվության հետ աշխատելու ունակություն
-Photoshop կամ նման ծրագրերի իմացություն աշխատանքային փորձը, դիզայներական հմտությունները կդիտվեն որպես առավելություններ
- Պատասխանատվություն, պարտաճանաչություն
-Հաղորդակցվելու գերազանց ունակություն


Job URL: - WEB պրոյեկտների մենեջեր @ Nikita Mobile

Job: Wine loving servers at In Vino Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales/service management

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Մատուցում,
  • Խորհրդատվություն (գինիների)
  • Երշիկ/ պանիր տեսականու պատրաստում,
  • Թեյի, սուրճի և այլնի պատրաստում,
  • Բաժակների լվացում,
  • Մաքրության պահպանում։


  • Լեզուների իմացություն, պատրաստակամություն սովորելու: 


Job URL: - Wine loving servers @ In Vino

Job: Live Dealer at BetConstruct Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: TV/Radio/Entertainment

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




•   Run and present games, strictly following the procedures of the Live Dealer module

•   Respond to customer inquiries and comments according to the set procedures

•   Show accurate and honest approach throughout the game

•   Show friendly and polite attitude throughout the game

•   Strictly follow the rules and procedures of the live studio


•   University degree

•   Knowledge of Spanish language

•   High sense of responsibility

•   Attentive to own appearance

•   Experience in customer service will be a plus

•   Highly motivated and team player


Job URL: - Live Dealer @ BetConstruct

Job: Գրասենյակային մենեջեր at Արարատի Կոնյակի Գործարան Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Administrative/office-work

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM





  • Ռուսերեն, անգլերեն կամ չինարեն  լեզվի գերազանց իմացություն. 
  • Համակարգչից օգտվելու հմտություններ:


Job URL: - Գրասենյակային մենեջեր @ Արարատի Կոնյակի Գործարան

Job: Assistant to Travel Specialist at BetConstruct Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Tourism/Hospitality/HoReCa

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Plan departure, transportation, accommodations, insurance and other travel services
  • Organize the arrival of foreign partners in Armenia on a high level
  • Make accurate reservations of hotels, tickets and flights
  • Collect and organize Visa and Insurance documents
  • Deal with occurring travel problems


  • At least 1 year of experience 
  • Degree in Hospitality, Travel, Tourism, Business or relevant field
  • Knowledge of computer reservations systems
  • Fluency in English and Russian languages
  • Ability to interact, communicate and negotiate effectively
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines


Job URL: - Assistant to Travel Specialist @ BetConstruct

Job: Construction Project Manager at AAB Construction Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Construction

Type: Full time

Deadline: 28-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




  • Work with the client from the start to the end to ensure the correct implementation of the project
  • Oversee the beginning of each turn-key project, including details like permit submission and design evaluations
  • Negotiate contracts with external vendors to reach profitable agreements
  • Collaborate with the architect and construction crew to ensure feasibility of each project
  • Conduct meetings on-site with architect, client and construction crew
  • Obtain permits and licenses from appropriate authorities
  • Prepare and submit project estimates and reports to clients
  • Determine needed resources (manpower, equipment and materials) from start to finish with attention to budgetary limitations
  • Plan all construction operations and schedule intermediate phases to ensure deadlines are met


  • BA/MA in engineering or relevant field
  • In-depth understanding of project management principles
  • Proficiency in English, Russian, Armenian (writing and speaking)
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office
  • Availability of a private car
  • Proven experience as construction project manager is preferable
  • PMP or equivalent certification will be an advantage
  • Outstanding communication and negotiation skills
  • Excellent organizational and time-management skills
  • A team player with leadership abilities
  • Ability to travel within and off the borders of Armenia


Job URL: - Construction Project Manager @ AAB Construction

Job: Event / BTL Manager at Publicis Hepta LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Arts, Entertainment and Mass Media

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 10-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM



These job responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
- Review all major deliverables (i.e. strategic brief, function spec, tech spec, etc.) to ensure quality standards and client's marketing expectations are met
- Event/BTL projects initial planning and coordination
- Responsible for all client communications, conflict resolution, and compliance on client deliverables and revenue
- Participation in suppliers tendering procedures
- Preparation of cost estimation and reporting on the revenue of the project done
- Conducting meetings with the clients
- Establishing relationships with new clients and maintaining and nurturing business relationships with existing clients
- Planning of scope of works performance of colleagues and setting timings
- Taking a client's advertising brief and generating original advertisement ideas with creative and BTL team


- Higher education, preferably in Marketing/Communications
- Excellent knowledge of English, good knowledge of Russian is a plus
- Good leadership qualities
- Ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines and demanding targets
- Strong negotiation skills
- High level of analytical and organizational skills, and excellent attention to details
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Good team player


Job URL: - Event / BTL Manager @ Publicis Hepta LLC

Job: PHP / WordPress Developer at Novembit Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 26-Oct-18 12:00:00 AM




- Review current code, systems, and practices, and iteratively improve their quality and efficiency
- Work closely with developers, project managers, tech leads
- Produce detailed specifications and pitches for future developments
- Develop new features, fix bugs, and iteratively optimize performance and quality of code
- Developing or customizing WordPess Themes, Plugins
- Test the product before release
- Prepare internal documentation for Development and Support team members
- Collaborate and share information with team members


- At least 1+ year experience with PHP and/or it's frameworks
- Knowledge and understanding of OOP, MVC concepts and development design patterns
- Experience with WordPress and its codex and architecture
- Experience in JavaScript
- Experience using version control in a collaborative environment
- Experience with MySQL database administration and programming
- The ability to iterate and ship ideas quickly within deadlines
- Comfortable with customer-facing roles including support and documentation
- Experience with other leading PHP frameworks (YII, Cake PHP) is an advantage
- Experience of working with APIs is an advantage
- Having an active Github and/or Stack Overflow account with contributions to the community is an advantage Personal Requirements:
- Meticulous attention to details and overall product quality
- Analytical and out of box thinking
- Strong teamwork and communication skills
- Flexibility and ability to handle multiple tasks
- Ability to work with deadlines
- Desire for constant self-education
- Passion to stay ahead of the curve on Back-End technology and development trends in the Industry
- The ability to communicate very technical subjects, in simple English-like terminology to non technical people.
- The ability to judge how long it will take to reach a conclusion, based on any given premise.
- Knowledge of English on Intermediate or higher level


Job URL: - PHP / WordPress Developer @ Novembit