Thursday, August 31, 2017

Job: Վաճառքների համակարգող at Premier Foods LLC Company

Location: 89/1 Bagratunyats street, Yerevan, Armenia, 0007

Category: Վաճառք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: N/A

Իրականացնել ծրագրային գործողություններ, որոնք առնչվում են կազմակերպության պահեստի ապրանքաշրջանառության հետ, վաճառքների վերլուծություն և հաշվետվությունների պատրաստում:

Կարող են դիմել նաև ուսանողներ:

Ժամերը ՝ 11:00-20:00

-Վաճառքի ընթացիկ տեմպերի վերլուծության իրականացում և վերջինիս արդյունքների մասին վաճառքի թիմին ժամանակին իրազեկում
-Պահեստի շարժի վարում
-Պատվերների կազմավորում
-Ապրանքաուղեկցող փաստաթղթերի կազմում
-Հաշվետվությունների պատրաստում և վերլուծություն

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն
-Համակարգչային գիտելիքներ/Excel-ի իմացություն/, 1C, e-invoicing
-Ռուսերեն և անգլերեն լեզուների իմացություն
-Ակտիվ, արագաշարժ, եռանդուն
-Փոփոխվող միջավայրին հեշտությամբ ադապտացվող
-Արագ սովորելու, յուրացնելու ունակություն և պատրաստակամություն
-Ճգնաժամային իրավիճակներում արագ կողմնորոշվող
-Իգական սեռի ներկայացուցիչ


Job URL: - Վաճառքների համակարգող @ Premier Foods LLC

Job: E - Commerce Marketing Manager at Online Mall Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales & Marketing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Own the process for managing new product updates and launches on our website
- Consult with Marketing, Merchandising and Product teams to understand business goals and establish strategy and tactics for digital, across the e-commerce site, Digital Marketing channels and Social Media
- Regularly review plans with the e-commerce Team and Digital Marketing agency(ies) to ensure that all components have been identified and all groups are ready to support
- Request and traffic creative assets from the Creative team to support digital needs, collaborate on approach, review and recommend revisions, coordinate feedback with other stakeholders and get approvals. Ensure that assets for all digital marketing and merchandising are delivered on time and to spece
- Develop a detailed plan for the social media calendar, identify and spec out needed elements and ensure that all needed assets (copy, creative, specs) are provided on time
- Analyzes marketing programs and adjusts strategy and tactics to increase effectiveness


- Bachelor's degree in Marketing or related field
- 2 years directly related experience
- Demonstrated interest in marketing or merchandising in a B2B environment
- Competence in Microsoft Office Suite, with emphasis on Excel preferred skills or industry experience
- Strong presentation skills and communications skills
- Excellent time management and organization skills


Job URL: - E - Commerce Marketing Manager @ Online Mall

Job: Sales Manager at Online Mall Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales & Marketing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Develop proposals for attracting new partners
- Build interest in product offerings
- Communicate company goals, determine appropriate lead generation quotas, communicate expectations to partners and monitor and report on results to senior leadership
- Strategic development of various products' promotional offers on a weekly basis
- Be responsible for product positioning/pricing/promotion/channels to market and selling tools
- Maintain sales volume, product mix, and selling price by keeping current with supply and demand, changing trends, economic indicators, and competitors
- Implement sales programs by developing field sales action plans
- Establish and adjust selling process by monitoring costs, competition, supply and demand
- Contribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed
- Stay current on competitor product offerings and industry trends to better leverage company's strengths
- Establish sales objectives by forecasting and developing sales quotas; projecting expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products


- Bachelor's degree; business, sales and marketing majors preferred
- Two to three years in a sales representative role; within industry preferred
- One year of prior management experience or demonstrated willingness and ability to learn management basics
- Good command of English and Russian languages
- Strong intrapersonal and negotiation skills
- Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
- Hardworking, persistent, and dependable


Job URL: - Sales Manager @ Online Mall

Job: Եվրոպական ուտեստներ�� խոհարար at X-Group Company

Location: Հայաստան, Երևան

Category: Ռեստորան, Սննդի սպասարկում

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Աճողական

Պահանջվում է Եվրոպական ուտեստների փորձառու խոհարար:

-Իրականացնել և ղեկավարել խոհանոցի աշխատանքները
-Կազմել մենյուներ
-Աշխատել մենյույով և կալկուլյացիաներով
-Տիրապետել հայկական , եվրոպական, վրացական խոհանոցներին
-Տիրապետել մանղալի աշխատանքներին
-Իրականացնել մթերքի ընդունման, բացթոնման աշխատանքները և հաշվարկները
-Հետրողական լինել խոհարարների աշխատանքին

-Սեռ՝ արական, իգական
-Տարիք` 23 – 50 տարեկան
-Ցանկալի է ունենալ մասնագիտական կրթություն, որակավորում
-Նվազագույնը 3 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ
-Կոլեկտիվում աշխատելու ունակություն
-Պատասխանատվության բարձր զգացում
-Ղեկավարման ունակություն
-Աշխույժ, լարված աշխատելու կարողություն, շուտ կողմնորոշվելու ունակություն


Job URL: - Եվրոպական ուտեստների խոհարար @ X-Group

Job: Պահեստապետ at X-Group Company

Location: Հայաստան, Երևան

Category: Ընդհանուր բնույթի աշխատանք

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: N/A

X-GROUP-ում աշխատանքի են հրավիրվում փորձառու պահեստապետներ:

-Ընդունել և հանձնել ապրանքը, կրելով նյութական պատասխանատվություն
-Բաշխել ստացված պատվերները կազմակերպության համապատասխան բաժիններին
-Պահպանել մաքրություն պահեստում
-Ապահովել պահեստի աշխատակիցների արագ աշխատանքը
-Կատարել գույքագրումներ ըստ սահմանված կարգի
-Կատարել պահեստային շարժերի կազմակերպում և վերահսկում
-Կազմել պաշարների համալրման հայտերը

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն
-Առնվազն 2 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ համապատասխան ոլորտում
-Համակարգչային գրագիտություն
-Սեփական ավտոմեքենայի և վարորդական իրավունքի առկայությունը պարտադիր է
-Կարգապահություն, պունկտուալություն
-Սեռը՝ արական - Տարիքը՝ մինչև 40 տ.


Job URL: - Պահեստապետ @ X-Group

Job: Amazon Specialist at E-World Systems LLC Company

Location: "Boulevard Plaza" - Arami 64, Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Sales & Marketing

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Work on the existing project to setup also a presence in Amazon
- Get trained for A-Z – Amazon course to realize private labeling and FBA
- Initialize all setup for Amazon account
- Implement account improvements
- Setup existing product presence listings in Amazon
- Research and analyze new products
- Negotiate with the suppliers for product exporting and fulfilment
- Setup Amazon FBA or warehouse in the existing countries where the company has its presence
- Perform other tasks related to this project


- At least 3+ years general working experience in IT, logistics, retail or related spheres
- Perfect English language command – both oral and written
- Master's degree in economics
- Experience working in eCommerce will be a great asset
- Communication and negotiation skills
- A strong attention to details and the ability to work independently in a fast-paced and rapidly changing environment
- Fast learner individual
- Ability and willingness to learn and grow


Job URL: - Amazon Specialist @ E-World Systems LLC

Job: Learning coach at Simonian Educational Foundation Company

Location: Dilijan

Category: Education/training

Type: Full time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00



 Based on the established coaching model the Learning Coach in Dilijan will work directly with Tumo students to:
- Support their learning process;
- Assist them in the design of their personal learning plans;
- Offer guidance toward the completion of learning activities;
- Provide encouragement and motivation toward harnessing the potential of technologies and self-learning;
- Assist in workshop and project coordination in various technology related areas;
- Track student attendance and provide feedback regarding student development; take measures to engage and provide technical inspiration to reluctant students;
- Convey a positive and professional image to the students;
- Promote learning in a collaborative and energized mode;
- Provide feedback to Tumo's Content Evaluators in the development of new learning activities and the fine-tuning of existing activities.

-Highly dynamic and positive personality; excellent people skills and facility in working with teenagers;
- Familiarity with and ability to learn technical concepts and tools relevant to at least one of the Tumo focus areas of animation, game development, web development and digital media;
- Multifaceted aptitudes in technical areas such as graphic design or programming; artistic skills such as drawing or writing;
- Willingness to develop higher order skills such as creativity, analytical thinking and initiative taking, as well as organizational capabilities such as teamwork, communication and research skills;
- Experience in the web and in the use of online resources and tools is a plus;
- Undergraduate or graduate education in a recognized university;
- Excellent communication skills, including written communication, personal interaction, and public presentation in the Armenian language; knowledge of English language is a plus.


Job URL: - Learning coach @ Simonian Educational Foundation

Job: Ֆինանսական խո��հրդատու Երևանի քաղաք�� վաճառքի կետեր at Anelik Bank CJSC Company

Location: Armenia, 0010, Yerevan Vardanants St., 13 Building

Category: Բանկային, Հաշվապահական, Ֆինանսական

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Մրցակցային

Անելիք Բանկը փնտրում է հմուտ Ֆինանսական-խորհրդատուներ Երևան Սիթի սուպերմարկետների ցանցում Բանկի կողմից մատուցվող ծառայությունները ներկայացնելու և բանկային պրոդուկտները վաճառելու նպատակով ։

Աշխատանքային ժամեր՝ 11։00-19։30

-Հաճախորդների ներգրավում
-Հաճախորդների պահանջմունքների բացահայտում
-Բանկի կողմից մատուցվող ծառայությունների վերաբերյալ հաճախորդներին խորհրդատվության տրամադրում
-Բանկի պրոդուկտների ակտիվ և խաչաձև վաճառքների իրականացում
-Վարկային և քարտային հայտերի ընդունում
-Վարկային փաստաթղթերի փաթեթների կազմում

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն համապատասխան բնագավառում
-Աշխատանքային փորձ վաճառքների կամ սպասարկման ոլորտում ցանկալի է
-Համակարգչային գիտելիքների լավ իմացություն (MS Office)
-Հայերեն, անգլերեն և ռուսերեն լեզուների լավ իմացություն
-Խաչաձև վաճառքներ իրականացնելու հմտություն
-Հաղորդակցման և բանակցություններ վարելու հմտություն
-Թիմային աշխատանքի պատրաստակամություն
-Տարբեր իրավիճակներում աշխատելու և արագ կողմնորոշվելու ունակություն


Job URL: - Ֆինանսական խորհրդատու Երևանի քաղաքի վաճառքի կետեր @ Anelik Bank CJSC

Job: Financial Adviser for Yerevan city sales points at Anelik Bank CJSC Company

Location: Armenia, 0010, Yerevan Vardanants St., 13 Building

Category: Banking, Accounting, Financial

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive; Anelik Bank CJSC offers a competitive compensation package and benefits (including full medical insurance, sport activities, etc.) as well as various trainings for career advancements.

Anelik Bank CJSC is seeking skilled financial advisers for Yerevan city supermarkets to represent the services of the Bank and sell the banking products.

Working hours 11:00-19:30

-Business development in the terms of client capture
-Identification of needs of clients
-Giving advice to the customers on the banking services
-Active and cross sales of banking products
-Acceptance of credit and card application forms
-Making credit document files

-Higher education in related field
-Work experience in the field of sales is preferable
-Excellent computer skills (MS Office)
-Excellent knowledge of Armenian, English and Russian languages
-Skills on effecting cross sales
-Communication and negotiation skills
-Ability to work in a team
-Ability to work in stress situations and quick orientation skills


Job URL: - Financial Adviser for Yerevan city sales points @ Anelik Bank CJSC

Job: Mid-Senior PHP Developer at INVO LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 20-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Produce and maintain clean, high quality standard compliant web applications
- Develop clean and flexible code
- Develop new functionality and modify existing
- Communication with the customer
- Understand tasks and give good solutions


- Advanced working knowledge in PHP, MySQL
- Good knowledge of OOP, Design Patterns
- Knowledge of PHP Frameworks(Laravel, Yii, Zend)
- Knowledge HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON
- Knowledge of source control (GIT, SVN)
- Big plus is imagination of CMS structre and flow
- Good communication skills in English


Job URL: - Mid-Senior PHP Developer @ INVO LLC

Job: Back-End Developer at Apollobytes LLC Company

Location: 33/27 Manandyan Street, Yerevan 0046, Armenia

Category: information technology

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Work with the team to plan, estimate, design and develop business applications and services with "Zero downtime" concepts
- Work on the existing software products and extend the features
- Analyze the requirements and design/ develop software architecture for high intensity data management solutions
- Analyze the data flows from multiple sources and develop unified data mining/ storing software
- Design the database and develop appropriate SQL queries, stored procedures, functions, triggers and views
- Work in a team or individually at all the phases of software development life cycle
- Constantly learn new technologies and methodologies in the business software development


- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or a related field
- At least 3 years of experience in enterprise-level software development
- Solid knowledge of and experience in Agile SDLC
- Solid knowledge of and experience in OOP principles and architectural patterns
- Solid knowledge of and experience in C# and the principles of .NET platform
- Solid knowledge of and experience in development of Data Access Modules using ADO.NET, Linq and Entity Framework
- Solid knowledge of and experience in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core technologies
- Solid knowledge of and experience in web services (WCF and WebAPI)
- Solid knowledge of data structures and algorithms
- Experience with multiple systems interconnection concepts and implementation
- At least 2 years of work experience with MS SQL Server (queries, views, functions and stored procedures)
- Ability to debug/ troubleshoot the existing codes
- Familiarity with Cloud computing technologies
- Experience with TFS, Git and JIRA
- Familiarity with Signal R is a big plus
- Familiarity with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services is a big plus
- Familiarity with ES6/ ES7 is a plus
- Familiarity with CSS3/ SCSS (+Flexbox) is a plus
- Familiarity with modern front-end build pipelines and tools is a plus
- Proactive and results-driven person
- Good knowledge in Armenian, Russian and English languages; knowledge of German language will be a plus
- Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements
- Excellent team player
- Ability to work under strict deadlines


Job URL: - Back-End Developer @ Apollobytes LLC

Job: National Consultant/ Grape Planting Material Production Specialist at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Manufacturing & Agriculture

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Assist the Project Coordinator in day-to-day management of the project activities
- Assist in finalizing the project work plan based on the output of the inception workshop
- Assist in the identification of project sites
- Follow up the technical recommendations formulated by international consultants
- Assist in identifying the list of equipment and developing the technical specifications for the tender
- Assist in the development of training modules and training material for grape production
- Assist to identify the existing capacity of the government laboratory and carry out comprehensive assessment on in-vitro cultivation for grape planting materials
- Carry out any other activities relevant to this assignment
- Prepare and submit the end of assignment report


- Advanced university degree in Agronomy, Plant Production, Horticulture or any other related subject
- At least 5 years of relevant experience in grape production or in planting material production
- Working knowledge of Armenian, English languages and limited knowledge of Russian language
- National of the country of assignment Core Competencies:
- Results-oriented person
- Teamwork abilities
- Communication skills
- Ability to build effective relationships
- Willingness to share knowledge and improve continuously Technical/ Functional Skills:
- Work experience in more than one location or area of work
- Extent and relevance of experience in grape planting material production
- Extent and relevance of experience in project management


Job URL: - National Consultant/ Grape Planting Material Production Specialist @ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Job: Project Assistant at Women's Rights Center Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Administrative Job

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 11-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Coordinate and arrange projects activities and their implementation in a timely manner
- Liaising with international organizations
- Represent the organization and its activities on local, regional and international levels
- Record incoming and outgoing mail
- Other duties and responsibilities upon request


- University degree in Social sciences
- At least 2 years of relevant work experience
- Excellent command of written and spoken Armenian, Russian and English
- Computer literacy
- Organized and energetic personality with high sense of responsibility
- Flexibility and ability to work within strict time frames
- Strong negotiation skills
- Well-organized and result-oriented personality


Job URL: - Project Assistant @ Women's Rights Center

Job: Financial advisor for Yerevan city sales points at Անելիք Բանկ ՓԲԸ Company

Location: Armenia, 0010, Yerevan Vardanants St., 13 Building

Category: Banking/credit

Type: Full time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




-      Business development in the terms of client capture

-      Identification of needs of clients

-      Giving advice to the customers on the banking services

-      Active and cross sales of banking products

-      Acceptance of credit and card application forms

-      Making credit document files


-      Higher education in related field

-      Work experience in the field of sales

-      Excellent computer skills (MS Office)

-      Excellent knowledge of Armenian, English and Russian languages

-      Skills on effecting cross sales

-      Communication and negotiation skills

-      Ability to work in a team

-      Ability to work in stress situations and quick orientation skills



Job URL: - Financial advisor for Yerevan city sales points @ Անելիք Բանկ ՓԲԸ

Job: System Administrator at VOLO LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 17-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive, depending on previous experience and skills.

System Administrator will perform system administration and planning for all aspects of IT-network infrastructure to include network equipment, servers and software applications.

- Manage, track, report and process assigned tickets daily and across shifts;
- Implement and remediate security compliance and vulnerabilities;
- Provide system and application diagnoses to remediate issues while engaging other teams as needed;
- Provide compute resource system and application monitoring and remediation support;
- Provide system and application access management support;
- Create high quality SOP's and other documentation for use within the operations team;
- Perform tasks based on SOP's to perform system and application changes as required;
- Increase day-to-day operational efficiency and accuracy via the use of automated tools and scripts;
- Provide daily infrastructure analysis reports.

- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering or in other related area or equivalent experience;
- At least 3 years' experience supporting an enterprise network;
- Microsoft and/ or Red Hat certifications is desired;
- Expert knowledge and hands-on experience in Windows and Linux Servers;
- Intermediate Linux (Red Hat and CentOS) CLI experience;
- Experience using Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 in a medium/ large (500+) domain environment;
- Day-to-day fluency using Microsoft Active Directory to manage policies and user objects;
- Experience deploying, troubleshooting, administering and using Red Hat/ Cent OS/ Ubuntu Linux Systems;
- Proficiency in scripting using Bash, PowerShell and Python;
- Knowledge of security policies and general vulnerabilities management;
- Experience using NOC tools;
- Experience automating or orchestrating the provisioning of new services;
- Knowledge of Information Security Guidelines and compliance standards;
- Advanced knowledge in TCP/ IP (IPv4 and IPv6) network protocols;
- Fluent English language skills, both written and spoken.


Job URL: - System Administrator @ VOLO LLC

Job: IT Business Analyst at VOLO LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive, depending on previous experience and skills.

VOLO LLC is looking for an experienced result-oriented professional to fulfill a newly opened position of IT Business Analyst working for an international client in an enterprise-focused team.

- Effectively work with the Product Managers, Software Engineers and other stakeholders to collaborate in all phases of project implementation;
- Understand the business activity, in cooperation with the Product Manager and translate business needs into detailed requirements;
- Identify and document business requirements and prepare regular follow-up reports regarding the implementation process;
- Analyze and prioritize key business opportunities in the areas of process, workflow, innovation, communication and strategic planning and come up with the respective proposals and recommendations;
- Understand the competitive context and help the client to define the product pipeline which insures innovation superiority; be a partner with the client in shaping the product;
- Own the communication and collaboration between the Business and Development Team;
- Expand the existing business with clients by aggressively identifying and seeking out new revenue opportunities.

- At least 3 years of experience as a Business Analyst in IT;
- Understanding of software development lifecycle and software implementation processes;
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
- Fluent English language skills, both written and spoken;
- Ability to proactively gathering all information from all stakeholders;
- Excellent planning and organizational skills;
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
- Ability to immediately react to the changes in business environments;
- Ability to lead prioritization discussions and facilitate agreement.


Job URL: - IT Business Analyst @ VOLO LLC

Job: Surveyor at Lydian Armenia CJSC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00


Surveyor duties will include supporting the Amulsar earthworks team to provide quantity and quality checking of the mass earthworks activities on site. Surveyor will support assignments and small projects by completing standard or routine tasks, or activities associated with survey support. Work is performed under close direction of the CAD Modelling Manager and /or the Survey Manager and duties are assigned with details of specific instructions as to method and procedures to follow. Outcomes are generally reviewed in detail and technical guidance is normally available. Surveyor shall maintain timely reporting and ensure open communications with the CAD Modelling Manager and /or the Survey Manager. Day to day activities are coordinated and overseen by the CAD Modelling Manager and /or the Survey Manager that you are assigned to. All duties and responsibilities shall be performed with a sense of urgency.

- Complete assigned tasks according to established guidelines and practices (assignments typically involve limited complexity and limited independent judgment);
- Perform duties to include the survey monitoring of the contractors' field activities within own assigned area;
- Ensure that daily reporting of progress for own area is completed and communicated to the superintendent;
- Responsible for both survey in the field and office work with computers to process the survey data (focus of the efforts is for the determination of quantities, quality and as-builts that can be communicated to other departments within the project). The as-builts will include not only earthworks, but will include the facilities, buried utilities, and other physical structures on site;
- Report any safety incidents immediately to the superintendent and never walk by an unsafe act;
- Ensure daily JHA's are completed for works at hand and updated for any changes in the work or change in site conditions;
- Take site photos and maintain the project photo file;
- When required, attend regularly scheduled meetings for the Amulsar project and contractors meetings;
- Support the Amulsar project team with survey layout, sketches and other survey information;
- Treat those to whom services are delivered, whether internal or external, as clients;
- Respond quickly and appropriately to Supvisor requests; take appropriate action to correct or resolve Supervisor concerns or issues;
- Look for and identify more efficient and effective ways to complete tasks; quickly and positively adapt to changing work demands; keep an open mind when presented with new ideas or required changes;
- Take ownership over assigned work and follow through on commitments;
- Take the initiative to look for additional work once personal assignments are complete;
- Demonstrate a high level of effort and persistence towards the completion of tasks;
- Collect and compile data for presentations.

- University degree in Surveying and/ or GIS;
- 2 years of field survey experience with GPS and conventional total station survey equipment;
- Excellent computer skills (MS Office, Email, Excel, Word and PowerPoint);
- Good working knowledge of AutoCAD and survey software;
- Ability to use GPS survey equipment; ability to use total station survey equipment; ability to operate a vehicle; high level of safety awareness;
- Ability to understand instructions;
- Ability to communicate effectively with all levels of Company staff;
- Ability to multitask;
- Attention to detail;
- Ability to detect errors and correct them accordingly; positive work attitude;
- Good communication skills (writing, reading and speaking);
- Working knowledge of English, Armenian and Russian languages.


Job URL: - Surveyor @ Lydian Armenia CJSC

Job: National Consultant/ Grape Planting Material Production Specialist for "Technical Assistance for Grape Phylloxera Resistant Certified Planting Material Production" Project at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00


Under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Armenia, the technical supervision of the Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP) and FAO-REU Agricultural Officer (LTO), National Consultant/ Grape Planting Material Production Specialist will work in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, the national counterparts and the National Project Coordinator (NPC).

- Assist the Project Coordinator in day-to-day management of the project activities;
- Assist in finalizing the project work plan based on the output of the inception workshop;
- Assist in the identification of project sites;
- Follow up the technical recommendations formulated by international consultants;
- Assist in identifying the list of equipment and developing the technical specifications for the tender;
- Assist in the development of training modules and training material for grape production;
- Assist to identify the existing capacity of the government laboratory and carry out comprehensive assessment on in-vitro cultivation for grape planting materials;
- Carry out any other activities relevant to this assignment;
- Prepare and submit the end of assignment report.

- Advanced university degree in Agronomy, Plant Production, Horticulture or any other related subject;
- At least 5 years of relevant experience in grape production or in planting material production;
- Working knowledge of Armenian, English languages and limited knowledge of Russian language;
- National of the country of assignment.

Core Competencies:
- Results-oriented person;
- Teamwork abilities;
- Communication skills;
- Ability to build effective relationships;
- Willingness to share knowledge and improve continuously.

Technical/ Functional Skills:
- Work experience in more than one location or area of work;
- Extent and relevance of experience in grape planting material production;
- Extent and relevance of experience in project management.


Job URL: - National Consultant/ Grape Planting Material Production Specialist for "Technical Assistance for Grape Phylloxera Resistant Certified Planting Material Production" Project @ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Job: Network Engineer at VOLO LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 17-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive, depending on previous experience and skills.

Network Engineer will perform network administration and planning for all aspects of IT network infrastructure including network equipment, servers and software applications.

- Perform a wide range of network administration duties including installations, debugging, maintenance, upgrades, and general support for Cisco, Juniper, HP, SonicWall and Extreme network equipment's;
- Evaluate, test and deploy all software and hardware upgrades to the networking infrastructure;
- Responsible for proactive monitoring of all network devices, services, and servers using a combination of tools to ensure high availability and SLA's;
- Perform technology needs analysis;
- Collect and review network utilization data for capacity and planning purposes;
- Document network architecture, design and layout, including protocols and standards used, as well as configurations.

- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering or in other related area or equivalent experience;
- At least 3 years' experience supporting an enterprise network;
- Cisco CCNA and/ or relevant certifications is desirable;
- First-hand experience with supporting the monitoring and configuration of Firewall/ DMZ infrastructure including Network and Application Firewall Packet Filtering technologies (Sonic Wall, Palo Alto and Cisco);
- Intermediate Linux (Red Hat and Cent OS) CLI experience;
- Experience in utilizing network monitoring tools;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012/ 2016 implementation and troubleshooting from a security/ firewall perspective;
- Advanced experience in TCP/ IP (IPv4 and IPv6) network implementation and troubleshooting;
- Experience in implementing and administrating network routing protocols such as OSPF and BGP/ iBGP;
- Experience with IPS/ IDS systems and network Security tools;
- Fluent English language skills, both written and spoken.


Job URL: - Network Engineer @ VOLO LLC

Job: IT Project Manager at VOLO LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive, depending on previous experience and skills.

VOLO LLC is looking for an experienced result-oriented professional to fulfill a newly opened position of IT Project Manager working for an international client in an enterprise-focused team.

- Demonstrate expertise in all the phases of the project life cycle;
- Quickly gain an understanding of the Company's clients, industries, business and project objectives;
- Collaborate with technical team leads, developers, business analysts and other specialists to solve problems and execute project challenges while delivering high quality on time and on budget;
- Interface daily with clients as the primary point of contact;
- Analyze and prioritize project activities and client needs, while establishing realistic deadlines;
- Achieve a consensus among diverse and dissenting viewpoints, while effectively translating ideas into prioritized and actionable steps;
- Create, maintain and present project plans and other relevant project documentation, using a variety of client-determined project management methodologies and tools;
- Create project status reports and deliverable progress materials for clients;
- Manage the internal team workflow and task assignments;
- Thrive in an entrepreneurial environment and provide hands-on troubleshooting and best available solutions.

- More than 3 years of proven work experience in project management in the IT sector (preferably with international clients);
- Solid technical background with understanding and/ or practical experience in a wide-variety software development and web technologies;
- Knowledge of project management tools is a plus;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Fluent English language skills, both written and spoken;
- Solid organizational skills including attention to details and multi-tasking skills;
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
- Ability to immediately react to changes in a business environment;
- Ability to lead prioritization discussions and facilitate agreement;
- "Can-do" attitude that fosters a positive productive working environment, especially in stressful or pressured situations.


Job URL: - IT Project Manager @ VOLO LLC

Job: Հաշվարկային կե��տրոնի մասնագետ at Ameriabank CJSC Company

Location: Հայաստան, Երևան

Category: Բանկային, Հաշվապահական, Ֆինանսական

Type: Լրիվ դրույք

Deadline: 10-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: 200,000 ՀՀ դրամից մինչև 2,000,000 ՀՀ դրամ` կազմակերպության S դասի վարձատրության սանդղակին համապատասխան:

Ընդունել և ներմուծել համապատասխան հաղորդագրություններ CBA Net և SWIFT համակարգերից, իրականացնել թղթակից բանկերի մնացորդների համեմատագրում և համապատասխան թղթաբանության վարում, իրականացնել անմիջական գծային ղեկավարի, ինչպես նաև դեպարտամենտի տնօրենի կողմից տրված այլ լիազորություններ և հանձնարարականներ:

ՍՏՈՐԱԲԱԺԱՆՈՒՄ` Հաշվարկային կենտրոն

ՊԱՇՏՈՆԸ` Մասնագետ

-Արտոնությունների բարձր մրցակցային փաթեթ
-Հիմնական աշխատանք, աշխատանքն անմիջապես սկսելու և անորոշ ժամկետով աշխատելու հնարավորություն
-Մասնագիտական և աշխատանքային առաջխաղացման հնարավորություն


-Իրավասությունների սահմաններում Բանկի գործառնական համակարգ ընդունել և ներմուծել հաղորդագրություններ CBA Net և SWIFT-համակարգերից
-Իրականացնել թղթակից բանկերի մնացորդների համեմատագրում, քաղվածքների պատրաստում, փոխադարձ հաստատումների վերաբերյալ նամակների պատրաստում
-Ապահովել ստացված և ուղարկման ենթակա հաճախորդների միջազգային, ինչպես նաև միջբանկային փոխանցումներում, հաղորդագրություններում, արտարժույթի առք ու վաճառքի գործառնություններում պարտադիր տվյալների մշակումը և խմբագրումը, ճանապարհի ընտրությունը և համապատասխանեցումը SWIFT-ստանդարտներին, թղթակից բանկերի պահանջներին
-Պատրաստել տեղեկանք թղթակից բանկերով կատարված ծախսերի վերաբերյալ
-Ստեղծել Բանկի թղթակցային հաշիվներով ռեսուրսների վերաբաշխման հանձնարարականներ ՀԾ բանկ գործառնական համակարգում
-Վարել հաճախորդների և թղթակից բանկերի կողմից առաջացած հարցումները
-Մասնակցել ստորաբաժանման աշխատանքների հետ առնչվող իրավական ակտերի մշակմանը, ապահովել Բանկի ներքին իրավական ակտերի պահանջների կատարումը
-Իրականացնել անմիջական գծային ղեկավարի, ինչպես նաև Դեպարտամենտի տնօրենի կողմից տրված այլ լիազորություններ, հանձնարարականներ

-Բարձրագույն կրթություն ֆինանսական կամ հարակից ոլորտում
-Նվազագույնը 2 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ համապատասխան ոլորտում
-Բանկային և միջազգային օրենսդրության իմացություն
-Հայերեն, ռուսերեն, անգլերեն լեզուների իմացություն
-ՀԾ ԳՕ, MS Office գերազանց իմացություն, մասնավորապես Excel, Power Point
-Ծանրաբեռնված, լարված պայմաններում ուշադիր և զգոն աշխատելու ունակություն
-Արագ կողմնորոշվելու, հաղորդակցվելու և թիմում աշխատելու ունակություն
-Բարեկիրթ պահելաձև, կարգապահություն, հետևողականություն, պատասխանատվության զգացում
-Աշխատանքի նկատմամբ բարեխիղճ և բարձր պատասխանատվություն


Job URL: - Հաշվարկային կենտրոնի մասնագետ @ Ameriabank CJSC

Job: Settlement Center Specialist at Ameriabank CJSC Company

Location: Armenia, Yerevan

Category: Banking, Accounting, Financial

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 10-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Ranking from AMD 200,000 to 3,000,000 according to the "S" grade of the Bank remuneration scheme.

Receive and input into the Bank's operational system data from CBA Net and SWIFT systems, Reconcile correspondent bank account balances, prepare account statements and relevant documentation and perform other tasks assigned by line manager and department director.

DEPARTMENT: Settlement Center

JOB TITLE: Specialist

-Highly competitive package of benefits
-Full time position, open-ended employment contract
start date: ASAP
-Career growth and development opportunities


-Receive and input into the Bank's operational system data from CBA Net and SWIFT systems within the scope of assigned authorities
-Reconcile correspondent bank account balances, prepare account statements and mutual authorization letters
-Process and edit required field data in incoming and outgoing international and bank-to-bank payments and messages, FX transactions
-select most appropriate routes and format orders in accordance with SWIFT standards and requirements of correspondent banks
-Prepare statements of correspondent bank-related costs
-Create orders on redistribution of funds through correspondent accounts in AS Bank operational system
-Handle client and correspondent bank inquiries
-Participate in development of internal acts regulating the activity of the department and ensure compliance with the requirements of internal regulations
-Exercise other functions and perform other tasks assigned by line manager and department director

-University degree in finance or related discipline
-At least 2 years of relevant work experience
-Knowledge of banking legislation and international laws
-Proficiency in Armenian, English and Russian
-Excellent command of AS Operational Day and MS Office, in particular Excel and Power Point
-Ability to work under pressure and have attention to details
-Ability to make decisions, work under pressure
-Have communication and team-player skills
-Courteous manners, discipline, consistency and sense of responsibility, commitment to work


Job URL: - Settlement Center Specialist @ Ameriabank CJSC

Job: Специалист расч��тного центра at Ameriabank CJSC Company

Location: Армения, Ереван

Category: Банки, Финансы, Бухгалтерия

Type: Полная ставка

Deadline: 10-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: от 200 000 до 2 000 000 драмов РА, в соответствии с классом S по шкале вознаграждения банка

Принять сообщения из систем CBANet и SWIFT, обеспечить их ввод в операционную систему банка в рамках своих полномочий, сопоставлять остатки на корреспондентских счетах и письма о взаимной авторизации, обработать и редактировать обязательные данные в получаемых и отправляемых международных клиентских и также межбанковских платежных поручениях и сообщениях, осуществлять прочие обязанности и документации, также поручения линейного руководителя или директора департамента


ПОЗИЦИЯ: Специалист

-Конкурентоспособный пакет льгот
-Полная занятость, бессрочный трудовой договор, возможность непосредственно приступить к исполнению обязанностей
-Перспективы карьерного роста и развития


-Прием сообщений систем CBANet и SWIFT и их ввод в операционную систему банка в рамках своих полномочий
-Сопоставление остатков на корреспондентских счетах, составление выписок и писем о взаимной авторизации
-Обработка и редактирование обязательных данных в получаемых и отправляемых международных клиентских, а также межбанковских платежных поручениях и сообщениях, сделках по конвертации валюты
-выбор маршрута, приведение отправляемых сообщений и поручений в соответствие со стандартами SWIFT и требованиями банков-корреспондентов
-Составление справок о расходах по сделкам через банки-корреспонденты
-Составление в операционной системе «АП Банк» поручений на перераспределение ресурсов на корреспондентских счетах
-Обработка запросов от клиентов и банков-корреспондентов
-Участие в разработке правовых актов, регулирующих деятельность отдела, и обеспечение соответствия требованиям внутренних правовых актов банка
-Осуществление прочих обязанностей и задач по поручению линейного руководителя или директора департамента

-Высшее образование в финансовой сфере
-Минимум 2 года опыта работы в соответствующей сфере
-Знание банковского и международного законодательства
-Знание армянского, английского и русского языков
-Отличнoe знание программ АП Операционный день и MS Office, в частности Excel, Power Point
-Умение работать в напряженном ритме
-внимательность к деталям
-Способность быстро ориентироваться, коммуникативные навыки, умение работать в команде
-Коммуникативные навыки, хорошие манеры, умение работать в команде
-Дисциплина, последовательность и чувство ответственности
-Добросовестное отношение к работе


Job URL: - Специалист расчетного центра @ Ameriabank CJSC

Job: Back-End Developer at Apollobytes LLC Company

Location: 33/27 Manandyan Street, Yerevan 0046, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Highly competitive salary, annual salary reviews, performance bonuses.

ApolloBytes is looking for a highly motivated and self-organized Back-End Developer focused on developing back-end systems on Microsoft .NET technologies.

- Work with the team to plan, estimate, design and develop business applications and services with "Zero downtime" concepts;
- Work on the existing software products and extend the features;
- Analyze the requirements and design/ develop software architecture for high intensity data management solutions;
- Analyze the data flows from multiple sources and develop unified data mining/ storing software;
- Design the database and develop appropriate SQL queries, stored procedures, functions, triggers and views;
- Work in a team or individually at all the phases of software development life cycle;
- Constantly learn new technologies and methodologies in the business software development.

- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or a related field;
- At least 3 years of experience in enterprise-level software development;
- Solid knowledge of and experience in Agile SDLC;
- Solid knowledge of and experience in OOP principles and architectural patterns;
- Solid knowledge of and experience in C# and the principles of .NET platform;
- Solid knowledge of and experience in development of Data Access Modules using ADO.NET, Linq and Entity Framework;
- Solid knowledge of and experience in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core technologies;
- Solid knowledge of and experience in web services (WCF and WebAPI);
- Solid knowledge of data structures and algorithms;
- Experience with multiple systems interconnection concepts and implementation;
- At least 2 years of work experience with MS SQL Server (queries, views, functions and stored procedures);
- Ability to debug/ troubleshoot the existing codes;
- Familiarity with Cloud computing technologies;
- Experience with TFS, Git and JIRA;
- Familiarity with Signal R is a big plus;
- Familiarity with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services is a big plus;
- Familiarity with ES6/ ES7 is a plus;
- Familiarity with CSS3/ SCSS (+Flexbox) is a plus;
- Familiarity with modern front-end build pipelines and tools is a plus;
- Proactive and results-driven person;
- Good knowledge in Armenian, Russian and English languages; knowledge of German language will be a plus;
- Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements;
- Excellent team player;
- Ability to work under strict deadlines.


Job URL: - Back-End Developer @ Apollobytes LLC

Job: NOC Engineer at VivaCell-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC) Company

Location: 4/1 Argishti Street, Yerevan 0015, Armenia

Category: Engineering & Construction

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Control the alerting signals to be recorded
- Control the accuracy of responses to all received claims and problems
- Examine and solve the problems and notify accordingly
- Ensure the actual documentation of operational and troubleshooting works
- Prepare reports on different problems like power failure, optical fiber cable cut, microwave issues, 2G, 3G and 4G BTS outages
- Give solutions to maintenance and operation problems
- Make data archiving from network elements
- Solve malfunctions in the system


- Higher education, preferably in the sphere of Telecommunication or Computer Sciences
- At least 2 years of work experience in telecommunication sphere
- Knowledge in telecommunication or computer sciences
- Good knowledge of Armenian, Russian and English languages
- Advanced computer skills (MS Office)
- Ability to deal with technologies
- Time management and organizational skills
- Reporting and problem-solving skills
- Teamwork and cooperation skills
- 24/7 shift working graphic


Job URL: - NOC Engineer @ VivaCell-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC)

Job: Front End Developer at Data Owl Dev Company

Location: Yerevan

Category: Software development

Type: Full time

Deadline: 01-Oct-17 00:00:00




  • Architect, design, prototype, code, test, deploy, maintain, and improve high-performance server-side software and systems.

  • Collaborate with product managers, UX designers, and the rest of the team to deliver a compelling platform and product.

  • Scale distributed applications, make architectural trade-offs applying synchronous and asynchronous design patterns, write code, and deliver with speed and quality

  • Produce high-quality software that is unit tested, code reviewed and checked in regularly for continuous integration

  • Provide technical leadership, driving and performing best engineering practices to initiate, plan, and execute large-scale, cross functional, and company-wise critical programs

  • Identify, leverage, and successfully evangelize opportunities to improve engineering productivity


  • 2+ years general programming experience in JavaScript
  • Experience with Angular, React, Electron, HTML, and/or CSS a plus.

  • Experience in designing and building infrastructure and web services at large scale

  • Experience writing clean, unobtrusive Javascript and experience with common libraries (Jquery and Angular/Ember/React) and debugging tools (Knowledge of native DOM and Event APIs).

  • Knowledge of browser quirks and their remedies.

  • Experience building front-end code with server-side technology.

  • Knowledge of (and a passion for) current trends and best practices in front-end architecture, including performance, accessibility, security, and usability.

  • Mentor other engineers and lead the technical direction of our platform

  • Strong object-oriented skills including design, coding, and testing patterns


Job URL: - Front End Developer @ Data Owl Dev

Job: Call Center Operator at Concern-Dialog CJSC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Law

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Make and receive calls and negotiate with debtors
- Introduce the debtor full information about his/ her debt
- Perform other necessary duties related to debt collection issues


- Higher education, preferably in Law
- Capability to speak pure Armenian
- Negotiation skills
- Computer literacy and knowledge of modern technologies
- High sense of responsibility and honesty; punctuality; ability to keep confidential information
- Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines
- Ability to work within a team
- Ability to communicate with customers
- Work experience in the relevant field will be a plus


Job URL: - Call Center Operator @ Concern-Dialog CJSC

Job: UNOC Engineer at VivaCell-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC) Company

Location: 4/1 Argishti Street, Yerevan 0015, Armenia

Category: Other IT/tech

Type: Full time

Deadline: 29-Sep-17 00:00:00




·        Perform shift work; 24/7

·        Follow up the alerting signals to be recorded;

·        Provide accurate responses to all claims and problems received from  Customer Service, Business Solutions and Fixed              Network staff;

·        Examine and solve the problems and inform line manager;

·        Prepare and archive the operational and troubleshooting documentation for staff;

·        Ensure system maintenance and operation;

·        Make data archiving from network elements;

·        Solve malfunctions in the system and inform about the means performed for resolving them;

·        Prepare problems reports for the management;

·        24-hours availability.


·        Higher education, preferably in the sphere of Telecommunication or Computer Sciences;

·        At least two years of work experience in Telecommunication sphere;

·        Relevant knowledge and experience in the field of B2X services, Wi-Fi, FTTH, GPON and IT networks;

·        Knowledge in Telecommunication and Computer Sciences; Advanced computer skills (MS Office).

·        Good knowledge of Armenian, Russian and English languages. 

·        Skills in technologies.       

·        Time management and organizational skills.

·        Team working and communication skills.

·        Reporting skills.

·        Adaptability/Flexibility.

·        Problem solving.

·        Ability to work with overload.


Job URL: - UNOC Engineer @ VivaCell-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC)

Job: NOC Engineer at VivaCell-MTS Company

Location: 4/1 Argishti Street, Yerevan 0015, Armenia


Type: Full-time, 24/7 working graphic.

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive compensation package and benefits, as well as various trainings for career advancement.

The NOC Engineer is responsible for the satisfactory maintenance and operation of Company radio, transport and core networks. The incumbent also ensures maximum possible services availability and performance, identifies, categorizes and responds to network problems.

- Control the alerting signals to be recorded;
- Control the accuracy of responses to all received claims and problems;
- Examine and solve the problems and notify accordingly;
- Ensure the actual documentation of operational and troubleshooting works;
- Prepare reports on different problems like power failure, optical fiber cable cut, microwave issues, 2G, 3G and 4G BTS outages;
- Give solutions to maintenance and operation problems;
- Make data archiving from network elements;
- Solve malfunctions in the system.

- Higher education, preferably in the sphere of Telecommunication or Computer Sciences;
- At least 2 years of work experience in telecommunication sphere;
- Knowledge in telecommunication or computer sciences;
- Good knowledge of Armenian, Russian and English languages;
- Advanced computer skills (MS Office);
- Ability to deal with technologies;
- Time management and organizational skills;
- Reporting and problem-solving skills;
- Teamwork and cooperation skills;
- 24/7 shift working graphic.


Job URL: - NOC Engineer @ VivaCell-MTS

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Job: Specialist in Accounting at Ernst and Young CJSC (EY) Company

Location: Yerevan

Category: Accounting/Bookkeeping

Type: Full time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00




  • Participates in provision of statutory accounting and tax compliance services to EY clients
  • Participates in provision of payroll service to EY clients
  • Participates in provision of various tax consultancy services to EY clients, within the scope of the Armenian tax legislation
  • As an audit team member participates in audit services delivery to EY clients
  • Participates in preparation of different publications and marketing materials
  • Other tasks per request of supervisor


  • Higher education in accounting, finance, economics or a related field
  • At least 1 year of experience in accounting
  • Good knowledge of Armenian tax legislation
  • Knowledge of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) would be an asset
  • Fluency in English and Russian both spoken and written
  • Analytical and critical thinking
  • Ability to work in a team, flexibility, ability to travel frequently
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel and Power Point)
  • High level of self-motivation, commitment to results․


Job URL: - Specialist in Accounting @ Ernst and Young CJSC (EY)

Job: TOEFL / IELTS Tutor at inLingua Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Linguistics

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 29-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Develop and deliver lesson plans that utilize a broad range of appropriate teaching techniques and strategies
- Address all aspects of communication through appropriate instruction that develops each student's ability to read, write, speak, and listen in the appropriate content area
- Moderate meaningful classroom discussions to generate critical academic thinking
- Prepare lesson plans according to syllabus
- Develop knowledge related to all aspects of the TOEFL, IELTS including knowledge of the test format, etc.
- Employ a variety of instructional techniques and strategies to meet different aptitudes and interests of students
- Manage allotted learning time to maximize student achievement


- Higher education in the relevant field
- Excellent knowledge of English
- Teaching experience is an asset
- Outstanding personal and interpersonal communication skills
- The ability to adapt to changing work priorities and maintain flexible working hours
- The ability to work with a diversity of individuals and groups


Job URL: - TOEFL / IELTS Tutor @ inLingua

Job: Illustrator at RSM International LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Arts, Entertainment and Mass Media

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Work on K-12 curriculum Mathematics books


- Professional experience in working as an Illustrator
- Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator
- Good knowledge of English Language
- High sense of organization and motivation; an ability to multitask and prioritize in a fast-paced environment
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills


Job URL: - Illustrator @ RSM International LLC

Job: Chinese Tutor at inLingua Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Category: Linguistics

Type: Full Time

Deadline: 29-Sep-17 00:00:00




- Developing and executing the preparation, planning and delivery of learning activities for the students
- Being a facilitator in the classroom and taking an interactive role with students
- Using a range and balance of teaching strategies
- Grouping strategies using a variety of different learning situations, including whole class, small group, partner work and individual work
- Building on what students know, and differentiating to meet student needs
- Ensuring that the classroom environment is well-managed, properly ordered and neatly presented
- Evaluating the program collaboratively with teaching partners, and parents and students as appropriate, using agreed flexible systems


- Master's degree in relevant field
- At least one year of experience in working with children as a Mandarin teacher with relevant qualifications
- Possess highly developed interpersonal and teamwork skill
- Excellent verbal and written language skills


Job URL: - Chinese Tutor @ inLingua

Job: Illustrator at RSM International LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full Time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Competitive

RSM (Russian School of Mathematics) International LLC is looking for an Illustrator to work on K-12 curriculum Mathematics books.


- Professional experience in working as an Illustrator;
- Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator;
- Good knowledge of English Language;
- High sense of organization and motivation; an ability to multitask and prioritize in a fast-paced environment;
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.


Job URL: - Illustrator @ RSM International LLC

Job: Capacity Building Coordinator for "Pilot Regional Development" Programme (PRDP) Armenia at IDeA Charitable Foundation Company

Location: Dilijan, Tavush Region, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 15-Sep-17 00:00:00



- Provide more integrity among different trainings for better results and skills development;
- Ensure the implementation of approaches and methods envisaged in "Criteria for training participation selection" document;
- Provide more detailed insight regarding the defined training topics by categorizing and regrouping them;
- Finalize the list of trainings and proposed number of participants based on the market research results and other project related documentations;
- Ensure strong links between the outcome of the training with overall goal of the project;
- Support the Project Manager in developing capacity development plans for each training components;
- Oversee and monitor the implementation of training and capacity building component of the project.

- University degree; preferably in social sciences;
- 3 years of experience in development work in the non-profit sector, international organizations are preferred specifically in Organizational Development (OD) or capacity development roles;
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, Armenian and Russian languages;
- Demonstrated strong oral and written communication skills, facilitation, negotiation and interpersonal skills;
- Ability to work independently;
- Well-developed planning, organization and problem-solving skills.


Job URL: - Capacity Building Coordinator for "Pilot Regional Development" Programme (PRDP) Armenia @ IDeA Charitable Foundation

Job: Senior Quality Assurance Engineer at SFL LLC Company

Location: Yerevan

Category: Quality Assurance /Control

Type: Full time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




  • Create manual and automation test cases based on product requirements
  • Execute manual and automated test scripts
  • Record and report test results both manual and automation
  • Identify, reproduce, and report defects
  • Follow test plan and update test plans in case of any fallbacks and uncertainties
  • Validate the fixed defects


  • At least Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related discipline
  • More than 4+ years of hands-on testing experience
  • Experience in creating testing documentation
  • Strong working knowledge of testing client/server applications
  • Experience with bug tracking systems (JIRA)
  • Experience in Selenium WebDriver automation
  • Knowledge of Gatling performance testing is a plus
  • Knowledge of Java or C#
  • Good knowledge of English


Job URL: - Senior Quality Assurance Engineer @ SFL LLC

Job: Java Developer at SFL LLC Company

Location: Yerevan

Category: Software development

Type: Full time

Deadline: 30-Sep-17 00:00:00




  • Participate in all phases of software development lifecycle
  • Produce and maintain clean, high-quality code
  • Work as a part of a dynamic team throughout the software development lifecycle
  • Deliver results within an Agile methodology
  • Perform code reviews and implement software development best practices.


  • 2+ years of software development experience
  • Extensive professional working experience as a Java developer in J2EE using any of the following products: Spring, Apache Wicket, GWT, Struts, Hibernate, Elasticsearch, ActiveMQ
  • Good understanding of OOP programming principles and design patterns
  • Working experience in Oracle or any other RDBM
  • Working experience in development of multi-layered client-server applications is a plus
  • Working experience in NoSQL databases is a plus
  • Knowledge in TDD principles is a plus
  • Experience in a true agile/scrum environment is a plus
  • Good knowledge of English.


Job URL: - Java Developer @ SFL LLC

Job: Android Developer at M&M Media LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 29-Sep-17 00:00:00

Salary: Highly competitive

M&M Media is looking for an experienced Android Developer.

- Participate in design and implementation of enterprise applications for the Android platform;
- Integrate with third party APIs and data sources;
- Work on bug fixes and improving existing application performance;
- Understand and maintain complex Android application architecture;
- Design, build and maintain high performance, reusable and reliable Java code;
- Coach and train junior members of the team.

- More than 3 years of work experience in full-time mobile development;
- Strong knowledge of Java and OOP;
- Strong knowledge of Android SDK and other Android development tools;
- General familiarity with RESTful APIs and networking capabilities of Android platform;
- Experience with Android UI design principles, patterns and best practices;
- Experience in writing and publishing at least one Android application.


Job URL: - Android Developer @ M&M Media LLC

Job: HR Manager at Tufenkian Hospitality LLC Company

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


Type: Full-time

Deadline: 03-Sep-17 00:00:00


HR Manager will maintain and enhance the organization's human resources by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, compliance, programs and practices.

- Maintain human resource staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees;
- Develop strategic solutions to meet workforce demands and labor force trends, oversee the recruitment and selection processes;
- Responsible for decisions related to corporate branding as it relates to recruiting and retaining talented employees;
- Examine current workplace policies and provide training to employees and managers on those policies to minimize the frequency of employee complaints due to misinterpretation or misunderstanding of company policies;
- Investigate and resolve workplace issues for preserving the employer-employee relationship through designing an effective employee relations strategy;
- Plan and conduct a new employee orientation to foster a positive attitude towards organizational objectives, serve as a link between the management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and helping to resolve work-related problems;
- Maintain a file of personal information of each employee;
- Maintain contracts for employment to comply with the Labor Code and the organization's procedures.

- University degree in the related field;
- At least 2 years of work experience as an HR Manager; previous experience in hospitality would be an advantage;
- Knowledge of the RA Labor Code;
- Knowledge of the relevant human resource disciplines and practical experience in their application;
- Excellent knowledge of English and Russian languages, written and spoken;
- Strong computer skills; knowledge of MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
- Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
- Stress-resistant personality;
- Coaching and leadership skills;
- Strong organizational skills;
- Ability to manage multiple tasks;
- Innovative thinking skills;
- Conflict management and problem solving skills.


Job URL: - HR Manager @ Tufenkian Hospitality LLC